davemds pushed a commit to branch master.


commit 15c7bbf5fab8d9d7478b906323fde2c6c147a6d7
Author: Dave Andreoli <d...@gurumeditation.it>
Date:   Thu Dec 28 16:10:04 2017 +0100

    Pyolian template-based generator.
    This is a really powerfull tool that can be used to generate anything eolian
    releted  just providing a template file. You can then render the template
    with the wanted scope (class, namespace, enum, etc)
    For example give a try at this (from the src/srcipts/pyolian folder):
    ./generator.py test_gen_class.template --cls Efl.Loop.Timer
    or ./generator.py -h for the full help
    Next step: maybe generate the new efl API doc using this tool?
    @andy I think this will make your life much easier :)
 src/scripts/pyolian/eolian.py                   |    6 +-
 src/scripts/pyolian/generator.py                |  206 ++++
 src/scripts/pyolian/pyratemp.py                 | 1258 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_class.template     |   45 +
 src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_namespace.template |   43 +
 5 files changed, 1556 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/eolian.py b/src/scripts/pyolian/eolian.py
index f74f350324..5baa2d3d7d 100644
--- a/src/scripts/pyolian/eolian.py
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/eolian.py
@@ -512,6 +512,7 @@ class Class(EolianBaseObject):
     def functions_get(self, ftype):
         return Iterator(Function, lib.eolian_class_functions_get(self._obj, 
     def methods(self):
         return self.functions_get(Eolian_Function_Type.METHOD)
@@ -886,9 +887,10 @@ class Type(EolianBaseObject):  # OK  (4 eolian issue)
     # TODO FIXME STRANGE API (need Eolian_Unit*)
-    #  @property
-    #  def c_type(self):
+    @property
+    def c_type(self):
         #  return _str_to_py(lib.eolian_type_c_type_get(self._obj))
+        return 'FIXME'
     # TODO FIXME STRANGE API (need Eolian_Unit*)
     #  @property
diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/generator.py b/src/scripts/pyolian/generator.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b1e9bca786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+Pyolian template based generator.
+This is a really powerfull template-based, output-agnostic eolian generator.
+You just need a template file and then you can render it with the
+wanted eolian scope (class, namespace, enum, struct, etc...).
+For example (from this source folder):
+./generator.py test_gen_class.template --cls Efl.Loop.Timer
+./generator.py test_gen_namespace.template --ns Efl.Ui
+...of course you can pass any other class or namespace to the example above.
+You can also import this module and use the provided Template class if you
+are more confortable from within python.
+The generator is based on the great pyratemp engine (THANKS!), you can find
+the full template syntax at: www.simple-is-better.org/template/pyratemp.html
+Just keep in mind the syntax is a bit different in this implementation:
+    sub_start     = "${"      Was "$!" in original pyratemp (and in docs)
+    sub_end       = "}$"      Was "!$" in original pyratemp (and in docs)
+    _block_start  = "<!--("
+    _block_end    = ")-->"
+    comment_start = "#!"
+    comment_end   = "!#"
+import os
+import datetime
+import eolian
+import pyratemp
+# logging utils
+be_verbose = True
+def ERR(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN    ERROR:', ) + args))
+def WRN(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN    WARNING:', ) + args))
+def INF(*args): print(*(('PYOLIANGEN   ', ) + args))
+# Use .eo files from the source tree (not the installed ones)
+script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_path, '..', '..', '..'))
+SCAN_FOLDER = os.path.join(root_path, 'src', 'lib')
+# load the whole eolian db
+eolian_db = eolian.Eolian()
+if not isinstance(eolian_db, eolian.Eolian):
+    raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to create Eolian state'))
+if not eolian_db.directory_scan(SCAN_FOLDER):
+    raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to scan source directory'))
+if not eolian_db.all_eot_files_parse():
+    raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to parse all EOT files'))
+if not eolian_db.all_eo_files_parse():
+    raise(RuntimeError('Eolian, failed to parse all EO files'))
+# cleanup the database on exit
+import atexit
+def cleanup_db():
+    global eolian_db
+    del eolian_db
+class Template(pyratemp.Template):
+    """ Pyolian template based generator.
+    You can directly use this class to generate custom outputs based
+    on the eolian database and your provided templates.
+    Usage is as simple as:
+        t = Template(<template_file>)
+        t.render(<output_file>, cls=..., ns=..., ...)
+    Args:
+        filename: Template file to load. (REQUIRED)
+        data: User provided context for the template.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, encoding='utf-8', data=None, escape=None,
+                       loader_class=pyratemp.LoaderFile,
+                       parser_class=pyratemp.Parser,
+                       renderer_class=pyratemp.Renderer,
+                       eval_class=pyratemp.EvalPseudoSandbox):
+        # Build the global context for the template
+        global_ctx = {}
+        # user provided context (low pri)
+        if data:
+            global_ctx.update(data)
+        # standard names (not overwritables)
+        global_ctx.update({
+            # Template info
+            'date': datetime.datetime.now(),
+            'template_file': os.path.basename(filename),
+            # Eolian info
+            #  'eolian_version': eolian.__version__,
+            #  'eolian_version_info': eolian.__version_info__,
+            # Eolian Enums
+            'Eolian_Function_Type': eolian.Eolian_Function_Type,
+            'Eolian_Parameter_Dir': eolian.Eolian_Parameter_Dir,
+            'Eolian_Class_Type': eolian.Eolian_Class_Type,
+            'Eolian_Object_Scope': eolian.Eolian_Object_Scope,
+            'Eolian_Typedecl_Type': eolian.Eolian_Typedecl_Type,
+            'Eolian_Type_Type': eolian.Eolian_Type_Type,
+            'Eolian_Type_Builtin_Type': eolian.Eolian_Type_Builtin_Type,
+            'Eolian_C_Type_Type': eolian.Eolian_C_Type_Type,
+            'Eolian_Expression_Type': eolian.Eolian_Expression_Type,
+            'Eolian_Expression_Mask': eolian.Eolian_Expression_Mask,
+            'Eolian_Variable_Type': eolian.Eolian_Variable_Type,
+            'Eolian_Binary_Operator': eolian.Eolian_Binary_Operator,
+            'Eolian_Unary_Operator': eolian.Eolian_Unary_Operator,
+            'Eolian_Declaration_Type': eolian.Eolian_Declaration_Type,
+            'Eolian_Doc_Token_Type': eolian.Eolian_Doc_Token_Type,
+            'Eolian_Doc_Ref_Type': eolian.Eolian_Doc_Ref_Type,
+        })
+        # Call the parent __init__ func
+        self.template_filename = filename
+        pyratemp.Template.__init__(self, filename=filename, encoding=encoding,
+                                   data=global_ctx, escape=escape,
+                                   loader_class=loader_class,
+                                   parser_class=parser_class,
+                                   renderer_class=renderer_class,
+                                   eval_class=eval_class)
+    def render(self, filename=None, cls=None, ns=None,
+                     struct=None, enum=None, alias=None, **kargs):
+        # Build the context for the template
+        ctx = {}
+        if kargs:
+            ctx.update(kargs)
+        if cls:
+            ctx['cls'] = eolian_db.class_get_by_name(cls)
+        if struct:
+            ctx['struct'] = eolian_db.typedecl_struct_get_by_name(struct)
+        if enum:
+            ctx['enum'] = eolian_db.typedecl_enum_get_by_name(enum)
+        if alias:
+            ctx['alias'] = eolian_db.typedecl_alias_get_by_name(alias)
+        if ns:
+            ctx['namespace'] = ns
+            ctx['namespaces'] = ns.split('.')
+            ctx['classes'] = [ c for c in eolian_db.all_classes
+                                    if c.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+            ctx['aliases'] = [ a for a in eolian_db.typedecl_all_aliases
+                                    if a.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+            ctx['structs'] = [ s for s in eolian_db.typedecl_all_structs
+                                    if s.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+            ctx['enums']   = [ e for e in eolian_db.typedecl_all_enums
+                                    if e.full_name.startswith(ns + '.') ]
+        if filename is not None:
+            INF('generating "%s" from template "%s"' % (
+                filename, self.template_filename))
+        # render with the augmented context
+        output = self(**ctx)
+        if filename is not None:
+            # create directory tree if needed
+            folder = os.path.dirname(filename)
+            if folder and not os.path.isdir(folder):
+                os.makedirs(folder)
+            # write to file
+            with open(filename, "w") as f:
+                f.write(output)
+        else:
+            # or print to stdout
+            print(output)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pyolian generator.')
+    parser.add_argument('template',
+                        help='The template file to use. (REQUIRED)')
+    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', metavar='FILE', default=None,
+                        help='Where to write the rendered output. '
+                             'If not given will print to stdout.')
+    parser.add_argument('--cls', metavar='CLASS_NAME', default=None,
+                        help='The full name of the class to render, ex: 
+    parser.add_argument('--ns', metavar='NAMESPACE', default=None,
+                        help='The namespace to render, ex: Efl.Loop')
+    parser.add_argument('--struct', metavar='STRUCT_NAME', default=None,
+                        help='The name of the struct to render, ex: 
+    parser.add_argument('--enum', metavar='ENUM_NAME', default=None,
+                        help='The name of the enum to render, ex: 
+    parser.add_argument('--alias', metavar='ALIAS_NAME', default=None,
+                        help='The name of the alias to render, ex: 
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    t = Template(args.template)
+    t.render(args.output, cls=args.cls, ns=args.ns,
+             struct=args.struct, enum=args.enum, alias=args.alias)
diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/pyratemp.py b/src/scripts/pyolian/pyratemp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c28e260b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/pyratemp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1258 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Small, simple and powerful template-engine for Python.
+A template-engine for Python, which is very simple, easy to use, small,
+fast, powerful, modular, extensible, well documented and pythonic.
+See documentation for a list of features, template-syntax etc.
+:Version:   0.3.2
+:Requires:  Python >=2.6 / 3.x
+    see class ``Template`` and examples below.
+    Note that the examples are in Python 2; they also work in
+    Python 3 if you replace u"..." by "...", unicode() by str()
+    and partly "..." by b"...".
+    quickstart::
+        >>> t = Template("hello @!name!@")
+        >>> print(t(name="marvin"))
+        hello marvin
+    quickstart with a template-file::
+        # >>> t = Template(filename="mytemplate.tmpl")
+        # >>> print(t(name="marvin"))
+        # hello marvin
+    generic usage::
+        >>> t = Template(u"output is in Unicode \\xe4\\xf6\\xfc\\u20ac")
+        >>> t                                           #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
+        <...Template instance at 0x...>
+        >>> t()
+        u'output is in Unicode \\xe4\\xf6\\xfc\\u20ac'
+        >>> unicode(t)
+        u'output is in Unicode \\xe4\\xf6\\xfc\\u20ac'
+    with data::
+        >>> t = Template("hello @!name!@", data={"name":"world"})
+        >>> t()
+        u'hello world'
+        >>> t(name="worlds")
+        u'hello worlds'
+        # >>> t(note="data must be Unicode or ASCII", name=u"\\xe4")
+        # u'hello \\xe4'
+    escaping::
+        >>> t = Template("hello escaped: @!name!@, unescaped: $!name!$")
+        >>> t(name='''<>&'"''')
+        u'hello escaped: &lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;&quot;, unescaped: <>&\\'"'
+    result-encoding::
+        # encode the unicode-object to your encoding with encode()
+        >>> t = Template(u"hello \\xe4\\xf6\\xfc\\u20ac")
+        >>> result = t()
+        >>> result
+        u'hello \\xe4\\xf6\\xfc\\u20ac'
+        >>> result.encode("utf-8")
+        'hello \\xc3\\xa4\\xc3\\xb6\\xc3\\xbc\\xe2\\x82\\xac'
+        >>> result.encode("ascii")
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+          ...
+        UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 
6-9: ordinal not in range(128)
+        >>> result.encode("ascii", 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+        'hello &#228;&#246;&#252;&#8364;'
+    Python-expressions::
+        >>> Template('formatted: @! "%8.5f" % value !@')(value=3.141592653)
+        u'formatted:  3.14159'
+        >>> Template("hello --@!name.upper().center(20)!@--")(name="world")
+        u'hello --       WORLD        --'
+        >>> Template("calculate @!var*5+7!@")(var=7)
+        u'calculate 42'
+    blocks (if/for/macros/...)::
+        >>> t = Template("<!--(if foo == 1)-->bar<!--(elif foo == 
+        >>> t(foo=2)
+        u'baz'
+        >>> t(foo=5)
+        u'unknown(5)'
+        >>> t = Template("<!--(for i in mylist)-->@!i!@ 
+        >>> t(mylist=[])
+        u'(empty)'
+        >>> t(mylist=[1,2,3])
+        u'1 2 3 '
+        >>> t = Template("<!--(for i,elem in enumerate(mylist))--> - @!i!@: 
+        >>> t(mylist=["a","b","c"])
+        u' - 0: a - 1: b - 2: c'
+        >>> t = Template('<!--(macro greetings)-->hello 
<strong>@!name!@</strong><!--(end)-->  @!greetings(name=user)!@')
+        >>> t(user="monty")
+        u'  hello <strong>monty</strong>'
+    exists::
+        >>> t = Template('<!--(if 
+        >>> t()
+        u'NO'
+        >>> t(foo=1)
+        u'YES'
+        >>> t(foo=None)       # note this difference to 'default()'
+        u'YES'
+    default-values::
+        # non-existing variables raise an error
+        >>> Template('hi @!optional!@')()
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+          ...
+        TemplateRenderError: Cannot eval expression 'optional'. (NameError: 
name 'optional' is not defined)
+        >>> t = Template('hi @!default("optional","anyone")!@')
+        >>> t()
+        u'hi anyone'
+        >>> t(optional=None)
+        u'hi anyone'
+        >>> t(optional="there")
+        u'hi there'
+        # the 1st parameter can be any eval-expression
+        >>> t = Template('@!default("5*var1+var2","missing variable")!@')
+        >>> t(var1=10)
+        u'missing variable'
+        >>> t(var1=10, var2=2)
+        u'52'
+        # also in blocks
+        >>> t = Template('<!--(if default("opt1+opt2",0) > 
+        >>> t()
+        u'no'
+        >>> t(opt1=23, opt2=42)
+        u'yes'
+        >>> t = Template('<!--(for i in 
+        >>> t()
+        u''
+        >>> t(optional_list=[1,2,3])
+        u'123'
+        # but make sure to put the expression in quotation marks, otherwise:
+        >>> Template('@!default(optional,"fallback")!@')()
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+          ...
+        TemplateRenderError: Cannot eval expression 
'default(optional,"fallback")'. (NameError: name 'optional' is not defined)
+    setvar::
+        >>> t = Template('$!setvar("i", "i+1")!$@!i!@')
+        >>> t(i=6)
+        u'7'
+        >>> t = Template('''<!--(if isinstance(s, 
(list,tuple)))-->$!setvar("s", '"\\\\\\\\n".join(s)')!$<!--(end)-->@!s!@''')
+        >>> t(isinstance=isinstance, s="123")
+        u'123'
+        >>> t(isinstance=isinstance, s=["123", "456"])
+        u'123\\n456'
+:Author:    Roland Koebler (rk at simple-is-better dot org)
+:Copyright: Roland Koebler
+:License:   MIT/X11-like, see __license__
+:RCS:       $Id: pyratemp.py,v 1.22 2013/09/17 07:44:13 rk Exp $
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+__version__ = "0.3.2"
+__author__   = "Roland Koebler <rk at simple-is-better dot org>"
+__license__  = """Copyright (c) Roland Koebler, 2007-2013
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import os, re, sys, types
+if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
+    import builtins
+    unicode = str
+    long = int
+    import __builtin__ as builtins
+    from codecs import open
+# some useful functions
+# string-position: i <-> row,col
+def srow(string, i):
+    """Get line numer of ``string[i]`` in `string`.
+    :Returns: row, starting at 1
+    :Note:    This works for text-strings with ``\\n`` or ``\\r\\n``.
+    """
+    return string.count('\n', 0, max(0, i)) + 1
+def scol(string, i):
+    """Get column number of ``string[i]`` in `string`.
+    :Returns: column, starting at 1 (but may be <1 if i<0)
+    :Note:    This works for text-strings with ``\\n`` or ``\\r\\n``.
+    """
+    return i - string.rfind('\n', 0, max(0, i))
+def sindex(string, row, col):
+    """Get index of the character at `row`/`col` in `string`.
+    :Parameters:
+        - `row`: row number, starting at 1.
+        - `col`: column number, starting at 1.
+    :Returns:    ``i``, starting at 0 (but may be <1 if row/col<0)
+    :Note:       This works for text-strings with '\\n' or '\\r\\n'.
+    """
+    n = 0
+    for _ in range(row-1):
+        n = string.find('\n', n) + 1
+    return n+col-1
+def dictkeyclean(d):
+    """Convert all keys of the dict `d` to strings.
+    """
+    new_d = {}
+    for k, v in d.items():
+        new_d[str(k)] = v
+    return new_d
+def dummy(*_, **__):
+    """Dummy function, doing nothing.
+    """
+    pass
+def dummy_raise(exception, value):
+    """Create an exception-raising dummy function.
+    :Returns: dummy function, raising ``exception(value)``
+    """
+    def mydummy(*_, **__):
+        raise exception(value)
+    return mydummy
+# escaping
+(NONE, HTML, LATEX, MAIL_HEADER) = range(0, 4)
+def escape(s, format=HTML):
+    """Replace special characters by their escape sequence.
+    :Parameters:
+        - `s`: unicode-string to escape
+        - `format`:
+          - `NONE`:  nothing is replaced
+          - `HTML`:  replace &<>'" by &...;
+          - `LATEX`: replace \#$%&_{}~^
+          - `MAIL_HEADER`: escape non-ASCII mail-header-contents
+    :Returns:
+        the escaped string in unicode
+    :Exceptions:
+        - `ValueError`: if `format` is invalid.
+    :Uses:
+        MAIL_HEADER uses module email
+    """
+    #Note: If you have to make sure that every character gets replaced
+    #      only once (and if you cannot achieve this with the following code),
+    #      use something like "".join([replacedict.get(c,c) for c in s])
+    #      which is about 2-3 times slower (but maybe needs less memory).
+    #Note: This is one of the most time-consuming parts of the template.
+    if format is None or format == NONE:
+        pass
+    elif format == HTML:
+        s = s.replace("&", "&amp;") # must be done first!
+        s = s.replace("<", "&lt;")
+        s = s.replace(">", "&gt;")
+        s = s.replace('"', "&quot;")
+        s = s.replace("'", "&#39;")
+    elif format == LATEX:
+        s = s.replace("\\", "\\x")    #must be done first!
+        s = s.replace("#",  "\\#")
+        s = s.replace("$",  "\\$")
+        s = s.replace("%",  "\\%")
+        s = s.replace("&",  "\\&")
+        s = s.replace("_",  "\\_")
+        s = s.replace("{",  "\\{")
+        s = s.replace("}",  "\\}")
+        s = s.replace("\\x","\\textbackslash{}")
+        s = s.replace("~",  "\\textasciitilde{}")
+        s = s.replace("^",  "\\textasciicircum{}")
+    elif format == MAIL_HEADER:
+        import email.header
+        try:
+            s.encode("ascii")
+            return s
+        except UnicodeEncodeError:
+            return email.header.make_header([(s, "utf-8")]).encode()
+    else:
+        raise ValueError('Invalid format (only None, HTML, LATEX and 
MAIL_HEADER are supported).')
+    return s
+# Exceptions
+class TemplateException(Exception):
+    """Base class for template-exceptions."""
+    pass
+class TemplateParseError(TemplateException):
+    """Template parsing failed."""
+    def __init__(self, err, errpos):
+        """
+        :Parameters:
+            - `err`:    error-message or exception to wrap
+            - `errpos`: ``(filename,row,col)`` where the error occured.
+        """
+        self.err = err
+        self.filename, self.row, self.col = errpos
+        TemplateException.__init__(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        if not self.filename:
+            return "line %d, col %d: %s" % (self.row, self.col, str(self.err))
+        else:
+            return "file %s, line %d, col %d: %s" % (self.filename, self.row, 
self.col, str(self.err))
+class TemplateSyntaxError(TemplateParseError, SyntaxError):
+    """Template syntax-error."""
+    pass
+class TemplateIncludeError(TemplateParseError):
+    """Template 'include' failed."""
+    pass
+class TemplateRenderError(TemplateException):
+    """Template rendering failed."""
+    pass
+# Loader
+class LoaderString:
+    """Load template from a string/unicode.
+    Note that 'include' is not possible in such templates.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'):
+        self.encoding = encoding
+    def load(self, s):
+        """Return template-string as unicode.
+        """
+        if isinstance(s, unicode):
+            u = s
+        else:
+            u = s.decode(self.encoding)
+        return u
+class LoaderFile:
+    """Load template from a file.
+    When loading a template from a file, it's possible to including other
+    templates (by using 'include' in the template). But for simplicity
+    and security, all included templates have to be in the same directory!
+    (see ``allowed_path``)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, allowed_path=None, encoding='utf-8'):
+        """Init the loader.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `allowed_path`: path of the template-files
+            - `encoding`: encoding of the template-files
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `ValueError`: if `allowed_path` is not a directory
+        """
+        if allowed_path and not os.path.isdir(allowed_path):
+            raise ValueError("'allowed_path' has to be a directory.")
+        self.path     = allowed_path
+        self.encoding = encoding
+    def load(self, filename):
+        """Load a template from a file.
+        Check if filename is allowed and return its contens in unicode.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `filename`: filename of the template without path
+        :Returns:
+            the contents of the template-file in unicode
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `ValueError`: if `filename` contains a path
+        """
+        if filename != os.path.basename(filename):
+            raise ValueError("No path allowed in filename. (%s)" %(filename))
+        filename = os.path.join(self.path, filename)
+        f = open(filename, 'r', encoding=self.encoding)
+        u = f.read()
+        f.close()
+        return u
+# Parser
+class Parser(object):
+    """Parse a template into a parse-tree.
+    Includes a syntax-check, an optional expression-check and verbose
+    error-messages.
+    See documentation for a description of the parse-tree.
+    """
+    # template-syntax (original)
+    #  _comment_start = "#!"
+    #  _comment_end   = "!#"
+    #  _sub_start     = "$!"
+    #  _sub_end       = "!$"
+    #  _subesc_start  = "@!"
+    #  _subesc_end    = "!@"
+    #  _block_start   = "<!--("
+    #  _block_end     = ")-->"
+    # template-syntax (eolian)
+    _comment_start = "#!"
+    _comment_end   = "!#"
+    _sub_start     = "${"   # "$!"
+    _sub_end       = "}$"   # "!$"
+    _subesc_start  = "${!"   # "@!"
+    _subesc_end    = "!}$"   # "!@"
+    _block_start   = "<!--("
+    _block_end     = ")-->"
+    # template-syntax (Jinja2 style)
+    # _comment_start = "<!--" # "#!"
+    # _comment_end   = "-->"  # "!#"
+    # _sub_start     = "{{"   # "$!"
+    # _sub_end       = "}}"   # "!$"
+    # _subesc_start  = "{!"   # "@!"
+    # _subesc_end    = "!}"   # "!@"
+    # _block_start   = "{% "  # "<!--("
+    # _block_end     = " %}"  # ")-->"
+    # build regexps
+    # comment
+    #   single-line, until end-tag or end-of-line.
+    _strComment = r"""%s(?P<content>.*?)(?P<end>%s|\n|$)""" \
+                    % (re.escape(_comment_start), re.escape(_comment_end))
+    _reComment = re.compile(_strComment, re.M)
+    # escaped or unescaped substitution
+    #   single-line ("|$" is needed to be able to generate good error-messges)
+    _strSubstitution = r"""
+                    (
+                    %s\s*(?P<sub>.*?)\s*(?P<end>%s|$)       #substitution
+                    |
+                    %s\s*(?P<escsub>.*?)\s*(?P<escend>%s|$) #escaped 
+                    )
+                """ % (re.escape(_sub_start),    re.escape(_sub_end),
+                       re.escape(_subesc_start), re.escape(_subesc_end))
+    _reSubstitution = re.compile(_strSubstitution, re.X|re.M)
+    # block
+    #   - single-line, no nesting.
+    #   or
+    #   - multi-line, nested by whitespace indentation:
+    #       * start- and end-tag of a block must have exactly the same 
+    #       * start- and end-tags of *nested* blocks should have a greater 
+    # NOTE: A single-line block must not start at beginning of the line with
+    #       the same indentation as the enclosing multi-line blocks!
+    #       Note that "       " and "\t" are different, although they may
+    #       look the same in an editor!
+    _s = re.escape(_block_start)
+    _e = re.escape(_block_end)
+    _strBlock = r"""
+                    ^(?P<mEnd>[ \t]*)%send%s(?P<meIgnored>.*)\r?\n?   # 
multi-line end  (^   <!--(end)-->IGNORED_TEXT\n)
+                    |
+                    (?P<sEnd>)%send%s                               # 
single-line end (<!--(end)-->)
+                    |
+                    (?P<sSpace>[ \t]*)                              # 
single-line tag (no nesting)
+                    %s(?P<sKeyw>\w+)[ \t]*(?P<sParam>.*?)%s
+                    (?P<sContent>.*?)
+                    (?=(?:%s.*?%s.*?)??%send%s)                     # (match 
until end or i.e. <!--(elif/else...)-->)
+                    |
+                                                                    # 
multi-line tag, nested by whitespace indentation
+                    ^(?P<indent>[ \t]*)                             #   save 
indentation of start tag
+                    %s(?P<mKeyw>\w+)\s*(?P<mParam>.*?)%s(?P<mIgnored>.*)\r?\n
+                    (?P<mContent>(?:.*\n)*?)
+                    (?=(?P=indent)%s(?:.|\s)*?%s)                   #   match 
+                """ % (_s, _e,
+                       _s, _e,
+                       _s, _e, _s, _e, _s, _e,
+                       _s, _e, _s, _e)
+    _reBlock = re.compile(_strBlock, re.X|re.M)
+    # "for"-block parameters: "var(,var)* in ..."
+    _strForParam = r"""^(?P<names>\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)\s+in\s+(?P<iter>.+)$"""
+    _reForParam  = re.compile(_strForParam)
+    # allowed macro-names
+    _reMacroParam = re.compile(r"""^\w+$""")
+    def __init__(self, loadfunc=None, testexpr=None, escape=HTML):
+        """Init the parser.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `loadfunc`: function to load included templates
+              (i.e. ``LoaderFile(...).load``)
+            - `testexpr`: function to test if a template-expressions is valid
+              (i.e. ``EvalPseudoSandbox().compile``)
+            - `escape`:   default-escaping (may be modified by the template)
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `ValueError`: if `testexpr` or `escape` is invalid.
+        """
+        if loadfunc is None:
+            self._load = dummy_raise(NotImplementedError, "'include' not 
supported, since no 'loadfunc' was given.")
+        else:
+            self._load = loadfunc
+        if testexpr is None:
+            self._testexprfunc = dummy
+        else:
+            try:    # test if testexpr() works
+                testexpr("i==1")
+            except Exception as err:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid 'testexpr'. (%s)" %(err))
+            self._testexprfunc = testexpr
+        if escape not in ESCAPE_SUPPORTED.values():
+            raise ValueError("Unsupported 'escape'. (%s)" %(escape))
+        self.escape = escape
+        self._includestack = []
+    def parse(self, template):
+        """Parse a template.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `template`: template-unicode-string
+        :Returns:         the resulting parse-tree
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `TemplateSyntaxError`: for template-syntax-errors
+            - `TemplateIncludeError`: if template-inclusion failed
+            - `TemplateException`
+        """
+        self._includestack = [(None, template)]   # for error-messages 
+        return self._parse(template)
+    def _errpos(self, fpos):
+        """Convert `fpos` to ``(filename,row,column)`` for error-messages."""
+        filename, string = self._includestack[-1]
+        return filename, srow(string, fpos), scol(string, fpos)
+    def _testexpr(self, expr,  fpos=0):
+        """Test a template-expression to detect errors."""
+        try:
+            self._testexprfunc(expr)
+        except SyntaxError as err:
+            raise TemplateSyntaxError(err, self._errpos(fpos))
+    def _parse_sub(self, parsetree, text, fpos=0):
+        """Parse substitutions, and append them to the parse-tree.
+        Additionally, remove comments.
+        """
+        curr = 0
+        for match in self._reSubstitution.finditer(text):
+            start = match.start()
+            if start > curr:
+                parsetree.append(("str", self._reComment.sub('', 
+            if match.group("sub") is not None:
+                if not match.group("end"):
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing closing tag '%s' for 
+                            % (self._sub_end, match.group()), 
+                if len(match.group("sub")) > 0:
+                    self._testexpr(match.group("sub"), fpos+start)
+                    parsetree.append(("sub", match.group("sub")))
+            else:
+                assert(match.group("escsub") is not None)
+                if not match.group("escend"):
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing closing tag '%s' for 
+                            % (self._subesc_end, match.group()), 
+                if len(match.group("escsub")) > 0:
+                    self._testexpr(match.group("escsub"), fpos+start)
+                    parsetree.append(("esc", self.escape, 
+            curr = match.end()
+        if len(text) > curr:
+            parsetree.append(("str", self._reComment.sub('', text[curr:])))
+    def _parse(self, template, fpos=0):
+        """Recursive part of `parse()`.
+        :Parameters:
+            - template
+            - fpos: position of ``template`` in the complete template (for 
+        """
+        # blank out comments
+        # (So that its content does not collide with other syntax, and
+        #  because removing them completely would falsify the character-
+        #  position ("match.start()") of error-messages)
+        template = self._reComment.sub(lambda match: self._comment_start+" 
"*len(match.group(1))+match.group(2), template)
+        # init parser
+        parsetree = []
+        curr = 0            # current position (= end of previous block)
+        block_type = None   # block type: if,for,macro,raw,...
+        block_indent = None # None: single-line, >=0: multi-line
+        # find blocks
+        for match in self._reBlock.finditer(template):
+            start = match.start()
+            # process template-part before this block
+            if start > curr:
+                self._parse_sub(parsetree, template[curr:start], fpos)
+            # analyze block syntax (incl. error-checking and -messages)
+            keyword = None
+            block = match.groupdict()
+            pos__ = fpos + start                # shortcut
+            if   block["sKeyw"] is not None:    # single-line block tag
+                block_indent = None
+                keyword = block["sKeyw"]
+                param   = block["sParam"]
+                content = block["sContent"]
+                if block["sSpace"]:             # restore spaces before 
+                    if len(parsetree) > 0 and parsetree[-1][0] == "str":
+                        parsetree[-1] = ("str", parsetree[-1][1] + 
+                    else:
+                        parsetree.append(("str", block["sSpace"]))
+                pos_p = fpos + match.start("sParam")    # shortcuts
+                pos_c = fpos + match.start("sContent")
+            elif block["mKeyw"] is not None:    # multi-line block tag
+                block_indent = len(block["indent"])
+                keyword = block["mKeyw"]
+                param   = block["mParam"]
+                content = block["mContent"]
+                pos_p = fpos + match.start("mParam")
+                pos_c = fpos + match.start("mContent")
+                ignored = block["mIgnored"].strip()
+                if ignored  and  ignored != self._comment_start:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("No code allowed after 
block-tag.", self._errpos(fpos+match.start("mIgnored")))
+            elif block["mEnd"] is not None:     # multi-line block end
+                if block_type is None:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("No block to end here/invalid 
indent.", self._errpos(pos__) )
+                if block_indent != len(block["mEnd"]):
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid indent for end-tag.", 
self._errpos(pos__) )
+                ignored = block["meIgnored"].strip()
+                if ignored  and  ignored != self._comment_start:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("No code allowed after 
end-tag.", self._errpos(fpos+match.start("meIgnored")))
+                block_type = None
+            elif block["sEnd"] is not None:     # single-line block end
+                if block_type is None:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("No block to end here/invalid 
indent.", self._errpos(pos__))
+                if block_indent is not None:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid indent for end-tag.", 
+                block_type = None
+            else:
+                raise TemplateException("FATAL: Block regexp error. Please 
contact the author. (%s)" % match.group())
+            # analyze block content (mainly error-checking and -messages)
+            if keyword:
+                keyword = keyword.lower()
+                if   'for'   == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'for'
+                    cond = self._reForParam.match(param)
+                    if cond is None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid 'for ...' at '%s'." 
%(param), self._errpos(pos_p))
+                    names = tuple(n.strip()  for n in 
+                    self._testexpr(cond.group("iter"), 
+                    parsetree.append(("for", names, cond.group("iter"), 
self._parse(content, pos_c)))
+                elif 'if'    == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if not param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing condition for 'if' 
at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'if'
+                    self._testexpr(param, pos_p)
+                    parsetree.append(("if", param, self._parse(content, 
+                elif 'elif'  == keyword:
+                    if block_type != 'if':
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'elif' may only appear 
after 'if' at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if not param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing condition for 
'elif' at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    self._testexpr(param, pos_p)
+                    parsetree.append(("elif", param, self._parse(content, 
+                elif 'else'  == keyword:
+                    if block_type not in ('if', 'for'):
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'else' may only appear 
after 'if' or 'for' at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'else' may not have 
parameters at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    parsetree.append(("else", self._parse(content, pos_c)))
+                elif 'macro' == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'macro'
+                    # make sure param is "\w+" (instead of ".+")
+                    if not param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing name for 'macro' at 
'%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if not self._reMacroParam.match(param):
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid name for 'macro' at 
'%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    #remove last newline
+                    if len(content) > 0 and content[-1] == '\n':
+                        content = content[:-1]
+                    if len(content) > 0 and content[-1] == '\r':
+                        content = content[:-1]
+                    parsetree.append(("macro", param, self._parse(content, 
+                # parser-commands
+                elif 'raw'   == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'raw' may not have 
parameters at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'raw'
+                    parsetree.append(("str", content))
+                elif 'include' == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'include' may not have 
parameters at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'include'
+                    try:
+                        u = self._load(content.strip())
+                    except Exception as err:
+                        raise TemplateIncludeError(err, self._errpos(pos__))
+                    self._includestack.append((content.strip(), u))  # current 
filename/template for error-msg.
+                    p = self._parse(u)
+                    self._includestack.pop()
+                    parsetree.extend(p)
+                elif 'set_escape' == keyword:
+                    if block_type is not None:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing block-end-tag 
before new block '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    if param:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'set_escape' may not have 
parameters at '%s'." %(match.group()), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    block_type = 'set_escape'
+                    esc = content.strip().upper()
+                    if esc not in ESCAPE_SUPPORTED:
+                        raise TemplateSyntaxError("Unsupported escape '%s'." 
%(esc), self._errpos(pos__))
+                    self.escape = ESCAPE_SUPPORTED[esc]
+                else:
+                    raise TemplateSyntaxError("Invalid keyword '%s'." 
%(keyword), self._errpos(pos__))
+            curr = match.end()
+        if block_type is not None:
+            raise TemplateSyntaxError("Missing end-tag.", self._errpos(pos__))
+        if len(template) > curr:            # process template-part after last 
+            self._parse_sub(parsetree, template[curr:], fpos+curr)
+        return parsetree
+# Evaluation
+# some checks
+assert len(eval("dir()", {'__builtins__':{'dir':dir}})) == 1, \
+    "FATAL: 'eval' does not work as expected (%s)."
+assert compile("0 .__class__", "<string>", "eval").co_names == ('__class__',), 
+    "FATAL: 'compile' does not work as expected."
+class EvalPseudoSandbox:
+    """An eval-pseudo-sandbox.
+    The pseudo-sandbox restricts the available functions/objects, so the
+    code can only access:
+    - some of the builtin Python-functions, which are considered "safe"
+      (see safe_builtins)
+    - some additional functions (exists(), default(), setvar(), escape())
+    - the passed objects incl. their methods.
+    Additionally, names beginning with "_" are forbidden.
+    This is to prevent things like '0 .__class__', with which you could
+    easily break out of a "sandbox".
+    Be careful to only pass "safe" objects/functions to the template,
+    because any unsafe function/method could break the sandbox!
+    For maximum security, restrict the access to as few objects/functions
+    as possible!
+    :Warning:
+        Note that this is no real sandbox! (And although I don't know any
+        way to break out of the sandbox without passing-in an unsafe object,
+        I cannot guarantee that there is no such way. So use with care.)
+        Take care if you want to use it for untrusted code!!
+    """
+    safe_builtins = {
+        "True"      : True,
+        "False"     : False,
+        "None"      : None,
+        "abs"       : builtins.abs,
+        "chr"       : builtins.chr,
+        "divmod"    : builtins.divmod,
+        "hash"      : builtins.hash,
+        "hex"       : builtins.hex,
+        "isinstance": builtins.isinstance,
+        "len"       : builtins.len,
+        "max"       : builtins.max,
+        "min"       : builtins.min,
+        "oct"       : builtins.oct,
+        "ord"       : builtins.ord,
+        "pow"       : builtins.pow,
+        "range"     : builtins.range,
+        "round"     : builtins.round,
+        "sorted"    : builtins.sorted,
+        "sum"       : builtins.sum,
+        "unichr"    : builtins.chr,
+        "zip"       : builtins.zip,
+        "bool"      : builtins.bool,
+        "bytes"     : builtins.bytes,
+        "complex"   : builtins.complex,
+        "dict"      : builtins.dict,
+        "enumerate" : builtins.enumerate,
+        "float"     : builtins.float,
+        "int"       : builtins.int,
+        "list"      : builtins.list,
+        "long"      : long,
+        "reversed"  : builtins.reversed,
+        "set"       : builtins.set,
+        "str"       : builtins.str,
+        "tuple"     : builtins.tuple,
+        "unicode"   : unicode,
+        "dir"       : builtins.dir,
+    }
+    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+        safe_builtins["unichr"] = builtins.unichr
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._compile_cache = {}
+        self.vars_ptr = None
+        self.eval_allowed_builtins = self.safe_builtins.copy()
+        self.register("__import__", self.f_import)
+        self.register("exists",  self.f_exists)
+        self.register("default", self.f_default)
+        self.register("setvar",  self.f_setvar)
+        self.register("escape",  self.f_escape)
+    def register(self, name, obj):
+        """Add an object to the "allowed eval-builtins".
+        Mainly useful to add user-defined functions to the pseudo-sandbox.
+        """
+        self.eval_allowed_builtins[name] = obj
+    def _check_code_names(self, code, expr):
+        """Check if the code tries to access names beginning with "_".
+        Used to prevent sandbox-breakouts via new-style-classes, like
+        ``"".__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()``.
+        :Raises:
+            NameError if expression contains forbidden names.
+        """
+        for name in code.co_names:
+            if name[0] == '_' and name != '_[1]':  # _[1] is necessary for [x 
for x in y]
+                raise NameError("Name '%s' is not allowed in '%s'." % (name, 
+        # recursively check sub-codes (e.g. lambdas)
+        for const in code.co_consts:
+            if isinstance(const, types.CodeType):
+                self._check_code_names(const, expr)
+    def compile(self, expr):
+        """Compile a Python-eval-expression.
+        - Use a compile-cache.
+        - Raise a `NameError` if `expr` contains a name beginning with ``_``.
+        :Returns: the compiled `expr`
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `SyntaxError`: for compile-errors
+            - `NameError`: if expr contains a name beginning with ``_``
+        """
+        if expr not in self._compile_cache:
+            c = compile(expr, "", "eval")
+            self._check_code_names(c, expr)
+            self._compile_cache[expr] = c
+        return self._compile_cache[expr]
+    def eval(self, expr, variables):
+        """Eval a Python-eval-expression.
+        Sets ``self.vars_ptr`` to ``variables`` and compiles the code
+        before evaluating.
+        """
+        sav = self.vars_ptr
+        self.vars_ptr = variables
+        try:
+            x = eval(self.compile(expr), {"__builtins__": 
self.eval_allowed_builtins}, variables)
+        except NameError:
+            # workaround for lambdas like ``sorted(..., key=lambda x: 
+            vars2 = {"__builtins__": self.eval_allowed_builtins}
+            vars2.update(variables)
+            x = eval(self.compile(expr), vars2)
+        self.vars_ptr = sav
+        return x
+    def f_import(self, name, *_, **__):
+        """``import``/``__import__()`` for the sandboxed code.
+        Since "import" is insecure, the PseudoSandbox does not allow to
+        import other modules. But since some functions need to import
+        other modules (e.g. "datetime.datetime.strftime" imports "time"),
+        this function replaces the builtin "import" and allows to use
+        modules which are already accessible by the sandboxed code.
+        :Note:
+            - This probably only works for rather simple imports.
+            - For security, it may be better to avoid such (complex) modules
+              which import other modules. (e.g. use time.localtime and
+              time.strftime instead of datetime.datetime.strftime,
+              or write a small wrapper.)
+        :Example:
+            >>> from datetime import datetime
+            >>> import pyratemp
+            >>> t = pyratemp.Template('@!mytime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")!@')
+            # >>> print(t(mytime=datetime.now()))
+            # Traceback (most recent call last):
+            #   ...
+            # ImportError: import not allowed in pseudo-sandbox; try to import 
'time' yourself and pass it to the sandbox/template
+            >>> import time
+            >>> print(t(mytime=datetime.strptime("13:40:54", "%H:%M:%S"), 
+            13:40:54
+            # >>> print(t(mytime=datetime.now(), time=time))
+            # 13:40:54
+        """
+        if self.vars_ptr is not None  and  name in self.vars_ptr  and  
isinstance(self.vars_ptr[name], types.ModuleType):
+            return self.vars_ptr[name]
+        else:
+            raise ImportError("import not allowed in pseudo-sandbox; try to 
import '%s' yourself (and maybe pass it to the sandbox/template)" % name)
+    def f_exists(self, varname):
+        """``exists()`` for the sandboxed code.
+        Test if the variable `varname` exists in the current namespace.
+        This only works for single variable names. If you want to test
+        complicated expressions, use i.e. `default`.
+        (i.e. `default("expr",False)`)
+        :Note:      the variable-name has to be quoted! (like in eval)
+        :Example:   see module-docstring
+        """
+        return (varname in self.vars_ptr)
+    def f_default(self, expr, default=None):
+        """``default()`` for the sandboxed code.
+        Try to evaluate an expression and return the result or a
+        fallback-/default-value; the `default`-value is used
+        if `expr` does not exist/is invalid/results in None.
+        This is very useful for optional data.
+        :Parameter:
+            - expr: "eval-expression"
+            - default: fallback-value if eval(expr) fails or is None.
+        :Returns:
+            the eval-result or the "fallback"-value.
+        :Note:      the eval-expression has to be quoted! (like in eval)
+        :Example:   see module-docstring
+        """
+        try:
+            r = self.eval(expr, self.vars_ptr)
+            if r is None:
+                return default
+            return r
+        #TODO: which exceptions should be catched here?
+        except (NameError, LookupError, TypeError, AttributeError):
+            return default
+    def f_setvar(self, name, expr):
+        """``setvar()`` for the sandboxed code.
+        Set a variable.
+        :Example:   see module-docstring
+        """
+        self.vars_ptr[name] = self.eval(expr, self.vars_ptr)
+        return ""
+    def f_escape(self, s, format="HTML"):
+        """``escape()`` for the sandboxed code.
+        """
+        if isinstance(format, (str, unicode)):
+            format = ESCAPE_SUPPORTED[format.upper()]
+        return escape(unicode(s), format)
+# basic template / subtemplate
+class TemplateBase:
+    """Basic template-class.
+    Used both for the template itself and for 'macro's ("subtemplates") in
+    the template.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parsetree, renderfunc, data=None):
+        """Create the Template/Subtemplate/Macro.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `parsetree`: parse-tree of the template/subtemplate/macro
+            - `renderfunc`: render-function
+            - `data`: data to fill into the template by default (dictionary).
+              This data may later be overridden when rendering the template.
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `TypeError`: if `data` is not a dictionary
+        """
+        #TODO: parameter-checking?
+        self.parsetree = parsetree
+        if isinstance(data, dict):
+            self.data = data
+        elif data is None:
+            self.data = {}
+        else:
+            raise TypeError('"data" must be a dict (or None).')
+        self.current_data = data
+        self._render = renderfunc
+    def __call__(self, **override):
+        """Fill out/render the template.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `override`: objects to add to the data-namespace, overriding
+              the "default"-data.
+        :Returns:    the filled template (in unicode)
+        :Note:       This is also called when invoking macros
+                     (i.e. ``$!mymacro()!$``).
+        """
+        self.current_data = self.data.copy()
+        self.current_data.update(override)
+        u = "".join(self._render(self.parsetree, self.current_data))
+        self.current_data = self.data       # restore current_data
+        return _dontescape(u)               # (see class _dontescape)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        """Alias for __call__()."""
+        return self.__call__()
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Alias for __call__()."""
+        return self.__call__()
+# Renderer
+class _dontescape(unicode):
+    """Unicode-string which should not be escaped.
+    If ``isinstance(object,_dontescape)``, then don't escape the object in
+    ``@!...!@``. It's useful for not double-escaping macros, and it's
+    automatically used for macros/subtemplates.
+    :Note: This only works if the object is used on its own in ``@!...!@``.
+           It i.e. does not work in ``@!object*2!@`` or ``@!object + "hi"!@``.
+    """
+    __slots__ = []
+class Renderer(object):
+    """Render a template-parse-tree.
+    :Uses: `TemplateBase` for macros
+    """
+    def __init__(self, evalfunc, escapefunc):
+        """Init the renderer.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `evalfunc`: function for template-expression-evaluation
+              (i.e. ``EvalPseudoSandbox().eval``)
+            - `escapefunc`: function for escaping special characters
+              (i.e. `escape`)
+        """
+        #TODO: test evalfunc
+        self.evalfunc = evalfunc
+        self.escapefunc = escapefunc
+    def _eval(self, expr, data):
+        """evalfunc with error-messages"""
+        try:
+            return self.evalfunc(expr, data)
+        #TODO: any other errors to catch here?
+        except (TypeError, NameError, LookupError, AttributeError, 
SyntaxError) as err:
+            raise TemplateRenderError("Cannot eval expression '%s'. (%s: %s)" 
%(expr, err.__class__.__name__, err))
+    def render(self, parsetree, data):
+        """Render a parse-tree of a template.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `parsetree`: the parse-tree
+            - `data`:      the data to fill into the template (dictionary)
+        :Returns:   the rendered output-unicode-string
+        :Exceptions:
+            - `TemplateRenderError`
+        """
+        _eval = self._eval  # shortcut
+        output = []
+        do_else = False     # use else/elif-branch?
+        if parsetree is None:
+            return ""
+        for elem in parsetree:
+            if   "str"   == elem[0]:
+                output.append(elem[1])
+            elif "sub"   == elem[0]:
+                output.append(unicode(_eval(elem[1], data)))
+            elif "esc"   == elem[0]:
+                obj = _eval(elem[2], data)
+                #prevent double-escape
+                if isinstance(obj, _dontescape) or isinstance(obj, 
+                    output.append(unicode(obj))
+                else:
+                    output.append(self.escapefunc(unicode(obj), elem[1]))
+            elif "for"   == elem[0]:
+                do_else = True
+                (names, iterable) = elem[1:3]
+                try:
+                    loop_iter = iter(_eval(iterable, data))
+                except TypeError:
+                    raise TemplateRenderError("Cannot loop over '%s'." % 
+                for i in loop_iter:
+                    do_else = False
+                    if len(names) == 1:
+                        data[names[0]] = i
+                    else:
+                        data.update(zip(names, i))   #"for a,b,.. in list"
+                    output.extend(self.render(elem[3], data))
+            elif "if"    == elem[0]:
+                do_else = True
+                if _eval(elem[1], data):
+                    do_else = False
+                    output.extend(self.render(elem[2], data))
+            elif "elif"  == elem[0]:
+                if do_else and _eval(elem[1], data):
+                    do_else = False
+                    output.extend(self.render(elem[2], data))
+            elif "else"  == elem[0]:
+                if do_else:
+                    do_else = False
+                    output.extend(self.render(elem[1], data))
+            elif "macro" == elem[0]:
+                data[elem[1]] = TemplateBase(elem[2], self.render, data)
+            else:
+                raise TemplateRenderError("Invalid parse-tree (%s)." %(elem))
+        return output
+# template user-interface (putting it all together)
+class Template(TemplateBase):
+    """Template-User-Interface.
+    :Usage:
+        ::
+            t = Template(...)  (<- see __init__)
+            output = t(...)    (<- see TemplateBase.__call__)
+    :Example:
+        see module-docstring
+    """
+    def __init__(self, string=None,filename=None,parsetree=None, 
encoding='utf-8', data=None, escape=HTML,
+            loader_class=LoaderFile,
+            parser_class=Parser,
+            renderer_class=Renderer,
+            eval_class=EvalPseudoSandbox,
+            escape_func=escape):
+        """Load (+parse) a template.
+        :Parameters:
+            - `string,filename,parsetree`: a template-string,
+                                           filename of a template to load,
+                                           or a template-parsetree.
+                                           (only one of these 3 is allowed)
+            - `encoding`: encoding of the template-files (only used for 
+            - `data`:     data to fill into the template by default 
+                          This data may later be overridden when rendering the 
+            - `escape`:   default-escaping for the template, may be 
overwritten by the template!
+            - `loader_class`
+            - `parser_class`
+            - `renderer_class`
+            - `eval_class`
+            - `escapefunc`
+        """
+        if [string, filename, parsetree].count(None) != 2:
+            raise ValueError('Exactly 1 of string,filename,parsetree is 
+        tmpl = None
+        # load template
+        if filename is not None:
+            incl_load = loader_class(os.path.dirname(filename), encoding).load
+            tmpl = incl_load(os.path.basename(filename))
+        if string is not None:
+            incl_load = dummy_raise(NotImplementedError, "'include' not 
supported for template-strings.")
+            tmpl = LoaderString(encoding).load(string)
+        # eval (incl. compile-cache)
+        templateeval = eval_class()
+        # parse
+        if tmpl is not None:
+            p = parser_class(loadfunc=incl_load, 
testexpr=templateeval.compile, escape=escape)
+            parsetree = p.parse(tmpl)
+            del p
+        # renderer
+        renderfunc = renderer_class(templateeval.eval, escape_func).render
+        #create template
+        TemplateBase.__init__(self, parsetree, renderfunc, data)
diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_class.template 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f03b5edd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_class.template
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Class:        ${cls.full_name}$
+Class type:   ${cls.type}$
+Base Class:   ${cls.base_class.full_name if cls.base_class else None}$
+Inherits:     ${list(cls.inherits)}$
+InheritsFull: ${cls.inherits_full}$
+Namespaces:   ${list(cls.namespaces)}$
+File:         ${cls.file}$
+Ctor enable:  ${cls.ctor_enable}$
+Dtor enable:  ${cls.dtor_enable}$
+<!--(for ctor in cls.constructors)-->
+ * ${ctor}$
+ no constructors available
+<!--(for func in cls.methods)-->
+ * ${func.name}$(...) ${func.method_scope}$
+ no methods available
+<!--(for func in cls.properties)-->
+ * ${func.name}$ (<!--(for v in func.getter_values)-->${v.type.c_type}$ 
${v.name}$, <!--(end)-->)
+ no properties available
+<!--(for event in cls.events)-->
+ * ${event.name}$ -> ${event.c_name}$
+ no events available
diff --git a/src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_namespace.template 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09b7763bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scripts/pyolian/test_gen_namespace.template
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Namespace:    ${namespace}$  ${namespaces}$
+<!--(for cls in classes)-->
+ * ${cls.full_name}$   (${cls.type}$)
+ no classes available
+<!--(for typedecl in aliases)-->
+ * ${typedecl.full_name}$
+ no alias available
+<!--(for typedecl in structs)-->
+ * ${typedecl.full_name}$
+    <!--(for field in typedecl.struct_fields)-->
+    ${field}$
+    <!--(end)-->
+ no structs available
+<!--(for typedecl in enums)-->
+ * ${typedecl.full_name}$
+    <!--(for field in typedecl.enum_fields)-->
+    ${field}$
+    <!--(end)-->
+ no enums available


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