Am 20.10.2016 um 13:02 schrieb Duy Nguyen:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 4:18 PM, Johannes Schindelin
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Junio,
>> I know you are a fan of testing things thoroughly in the test suite, but I
>> have to say that it is getting out of hand, in particular due to our
>> over-use of shell script idioms (which really only run fast on Linux, not
>> a good idea for a portable software).
>> My builds of `pu` now time out, after running for 3h straight in the VM
>> dedicated to perform the daily routine of building and testing the git.git
>> branches in Git for Windows' SDK. For comparison, `next` passes build &
>> tests in 2.6h. That is quite the jump.
> I'm just curious, will running git.exe from WSL [1] help speed things
> up a bit (or, hopefully, a lot)? I'm assuming that shell's speed in
> WSL is quite fast.
> I'm pretty sure the test suite would need some adaptation, but if the
> speedup is significant, maybe it's worth spending time on.
> [1]

I get this on WSL with prove -j8:

Files=750, Tests=13657, 906 wallclock secs ( 8.51 usr 17.17 sys + 282.62 cusr 
3731.85 csys = 4040.15 CPU)

And this for a run on Debian inside a Hyper-V VM on the same system:

Files=759, Tests=13895, 99 wallclock secs ( 4.81 usr  1.06 sys + 39.70 cusr 
25.82 csys = 71.39 CPU)

All tests pass on master.


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