Jeff King <> writes:

> Of the two flags, I would say CLOEXEC is the more important one to
> respect because it may actually impact correctness (e.g., leaking
> descriptors to sub-processes). Whereas O_NOATIME is purely a performance
> optimization.

I tend to agree.

> I actually wonder if it is worth carrying around the O_NOATIME hack at
> all.

Yes, I share the thought.  We no longer have too many loose objects
to matter.

I do not mind flipping the order, but I'd prefer to cook the result
even longer.  I am tempted to suggest we take two step route:

 - ship 2.11 with the "atime has been there and we won't regress it"
   shape, while cooking the "cloexec is semantically more
   important" version in 'next' during the feature freeze

 - immediately after 2.11 merge it to 'master' for 2.12 to make sure
   there is no fallout.

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