
I am doing some experimenting with git-mktag, and was looking into the
format it expects on input.

Should this sequence of commands work?

kalki:[~]% mkdir /tmp/gittest; cd /tmp/gittest
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/gittest/.git/
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% echo "test" > test
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git add test
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git commit -m "commit-test"
[master (root-commit) c0ae36f] commit-test
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 test
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git tag -m "tag-test" tag-test
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git cat-file -p e619
object c0ae36fee730f7034b1f76c1490fe6f46f7ecad5
type commit
tag tag-test
tagger Anand Kumria <akum...@acm.org> Thu Oct 25 00:32:32 2012 +0100

kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git cat-file -p e619 | sed
-e's/tag-test/tag-test2/' > tag-test2
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% cat tag-test2
object c0ae36fee730f7034b1f76c1490fe6f46f7ecad5
type commit
tag tag-test2
tagger Anand Kumria <akum...@acm.org> Thu Oct 25 00:32:32 2012 +0100

kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git mktag < tag-test2
error: char112: missing tag timestamp
fatal: invalid tag signature file
kalki:[/tmp/gittest]% git --version
git version

The error message related to the timezone / timestamp being incorrect
but I can't see what the problem is.

Any advice appreciated.

Please CC me as I may miss your reply.


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