On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 09:22:51AM +0100, Lars Schneider wrote:

> There would be an alternative way to approach the problem:
> Someone (GitHub?, BitBucket?, GitLab?, ...) could setup a bunch of webservers
> with popular configurations and a way to reset a clean test environment. Then 
> the TravisCI client tests could go against these servers.
> I realize that this idea is probably unrealistic because too much setup and
> maintenance work would be required.

Yeah, it seems like it adds a lot of complexity for little gain. Plus it
creates a network dependency on running the tests. I know you care
mostly about Travis, but I am much more interested in all of the people
(developers and not) who run "make test" on their own platforms.

If you did want to have a more real-world network-based test, I think
the right solution is not for GitHub to set up a bunch of mock servers,
but to design client-side tests that hit the _real_ GitHub (or GitLab,
or whatever) and perform some basic operations. OTOH, people running
"master" (or "next", etc) are doing that implicitly every day.


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