On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 03:33:51PM -0500, ken edward wrote:
> I am currently using svn with apache+mod_dav_svn to have a single
> repository with multiple projects. Each of the projects is controlled
> by an access control file that lists the project path and the allowed
> usernames.
> Does git have this also? where is the doc?
> Ken

Git does not do hosting or access control. For this you need to use a
third party program. There are plenty of options for you and each has
different features and limitations. For example you should take a look
at gitolite, gitlab, bitbucket, github, gogs. Just to mention a few.
It's also possible to setup git with ssh or http/https with your own
access control methods. See the progit book for details here.

Fredrik Gustafsson

phone: +46 733-608274
e-mail: iv...@iveqy.com
website: http://www.iveqy.com

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