On 14/12/16 20:37, Johannes Sixt wrote:
normalize_path_copy() is not prepared to keep the double-slash of a
//server/share/dir kind of path, but treats it like a regular POSIX
style path and transforms it to /server/share/dir.

The bug manifests when 'git push //server/share/dir master' is run,
because tmp_objdir_add_as_alternate() uses the path in normalized
form when it registers the quarantine object database via
link_alt_odb_entries(). Needless to say that the directory cannot be
accessed using the wrongly normalized path.

Fix it by skipping all of the root part, not just a potential drive
prefix. offset_1st_component takes care of this, see the
implementation in compat/mingw.c::mingw_offset_1st_component().

Signed-off-by: Johannes Sixt <j...@kdbg.org>
Am 14.12.2016 um 18:30 schrieb Jeff King:
Would it be reasonable to

   /* Copy initial part of absolute path, converting separators on Windows */
   const char *end = src + offset_1st_component(src);
   while (src < end) {
          char c = *src++;
          if (c == '\\')
                  c = '/';
          *dst++ = c;
Makes a lot of sense! I haven't had an opportunity, though, to test
on Windows.
I'm not sure, if a conversion should be done here, in this part of code.
To my knowledge,

is the same
and that is handled by windows.

The \\server\share\dir1\file is native to windows,
and I can't see good reasons to change '\' into '/' somewhere in Git,
when UNC is used.

Cygwin does a translation from

In other words:
The patch looks good as is, and once I get a Windows machine,
may be able to do some testing and come up with test cases


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