Am 10/25/2012 19:23, schrieb Felipe Contreras:
> Otherwise the files are missing from the diff, and the list of files.
> We do this by creating a limitdiffs variable specific for the view which
> can be turned of by using --full-diff.

It would be very helpful if you described the problem. "Try it yourself"
is not the answer. In particular, what does "correctly" mean in this
context? Isn't the subject more like "gitk: handle --full-diff" in the
sense that it wasn't handled at all previously and it did what it happened
to do?

The patch breaks gitk's builtin "limit to listed paths" option - with the
patch, the option is only honored at startup, but not when it is changed
during the session when --full-diff is not given. Don't know what should
happen if it is given.

-- Hannes
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