On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 04:02:02PM +0100, Matthieu Moy wrote:

> If the answer to one of the above question is yes, then:
> * Who's willing to mentor? and to admin?

I did co-admin last year and the year before, but I made Matthieu do all
the work. :)

I do not mind doing the administrative stuff.  But the real work is in
polishing up the ideas list and microprojects page. So I think the first
step, if people are interested in GSoC, is not just to say "yes, let's
do it", but to actually flesh out these pages:

> * We need to write the application, i.e. essentially polish and update
>   the text here: https://git.github.io/SoC-2016-Org-Application/ and
>   update the list of project ideas and microprojects :
>   https://git.github.io/SoC-2017-Ideas/
>   https://git.github.io/SoC-2016-Microprojects/

That can be done incrementally by people who care (especially mentors)
over the next week or so, and doesn't require any real admin
coordination. If it happens and the result looks good, then the
application process is pretty straightforward.

If it doesn't, then we probably ought not to participate in GSoC.


PS If we do participate, we should consider Outreachy as well, which can
   expand our base of possible applicants. Though note that ones who are
   not eligible for GSoC would need to be funded by us. Last year GitHub
   offered to cover the stipend for an Outreachy intern for Git. If
   there's interest I can see if that offer can be extended for this

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