Mike Hommey <m...@glandium.org> writes:

> For instance, after changing my laptop for a new one, I copied my
> configs, but had some environment differences that broke gpg.
> With this change applied, the output becomes, on this new machine:
>   gpg: keyblock resource '/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg': No
> such file or directory
>   error: gpg failed to sign the data
>   error: unable to sign the tag
> which makes it clearer what's wrong.

Overall I think this is a good thing to do.  Instead of eating the
status output, showing what we got, especially when we know the
command failed, would make the bug-hunting of user's environment
easier, like you showed above.

The only thing in the design that makes me wonder is the filtering
out based on "[GNUPG:]" prefix.  Why do we need to filter them out?

Implementation-wise, I'd be happier if we do not add any new
callsites of strbuf_split(), which is a horrible interface.  But
that is a minor detail.


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