On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 1:59 AM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 01:48:05AM +0100, Jeff King wrote:
>> The list of topics is totally open. If you're coming and have something
>> you'd like to present or discuss, then propose it here. If you're _not_
>> coming, you may still chime in with input on topics, but please don't
>> suggest a topic unless somebody who is there will agree to lead the
>> discussion.
> Here are the two topics I plan on bringing:
>   - Git / Software Freedom Conservancy yearly report. I'll plan to give
>     a rundown of the past year's activities and financials, along with
>     some open questions that could benefit from community input.
>   - The git-scm.com website: who runs that thing, anyway? An overview
>     of the site, how it's managed, and what it needs.
> I plan to send out detailed emails on both topics to the list on
> Wednesday, and then follow-up with a summary of any useful in-person
> discussion (since obviously not everybody will be at the summit).
> I'd encourage anybody with a topic to present to consider doing
> something similar.

GitLab people at the Summit (this includes me) would like to spend a
few minutes to introduce https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/ and
answer any questions.

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