I think the conversation has drifted away from what I am asking / hoping for.

I apologize but I do not feel in the position of submitting patches
yet. I'll first need to read some code first before that.

I'm coming from the angle where currently I can alias just the command
(ex: l for log) not considering the 'command with options'.

  l = log

Currently, the order is as follows:

If built-in git command then it wins.
If custom git command (script as git-l) then it wins.
If alias for git command then it wins.
Else throw as unknown command.

In short, built-in git command > custom git command > git alias.

So I think, the same could also be used for options.

Say I want an alias for option --name-status as -s, so I can type:
$ git log -s

But there is already a -s option and that wins so the built-in option
alias wins.

However, I think I should be able alias it as --ns.
$ git log --ns


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