
As git is free software, you are free to use it in any way you see fit, as
long as you adhere to its licensing terms, and to the copyright
restrictions on using the term "git". Thus there is no need to ask
permission and there does not on the git side exist any entity interested
in "cross marketing activities". If your want to use git in your products,
you are free to do so without asking, and if you need technical advice for
how to go about integrating git in your products, you can either ask here,
on stackoverflow, (and probably lots of other places) or hire a consultant
that can help you.

Hope this helps,

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Nikita Malikov <> wrote:
> Konstantin,
> My goal is to establish partnership relations with Git because some of
> Devart's products support Git version control system (for example dbForge
> Studio for SQL Server
> My team and I would be glad to come up with cross-marketing activities
> between Devart and Git. We think that some users of our development products
> would be interested to switch to Git version control system.
> Best regards
> Nikita Malikov
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Konstantin Khomoutov" <>
> Sent: 21 February, 2017 14:22
> To: "Nikita Malikov" <>
> Cc: <>
> Subject: Re: Partnership with Git
>> On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:21:38 +0200
>> "Nikita Malikov" <> wrote:
>>> My name is Nikita and I'm from Devart
>>> I would like to contact someone from executive staff of Git. I would
>>> be very thankful for some information how to do this or if someone
>>> contacts me.
>> Git is a free software volunteer project and as such, it has no
>> "executive staff" in the sense enterprises put into it.
>> Can you maybe state your actual goals please?
>> Say, if you're looking for commercial support, we could possibly
>> suggests a couple of pointers.

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