On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 01:16:33AM +0000, David Turner wrote:

> I don't know enough about how libcurl handles authentication to know whether 
> these patches are a good idea, but I have a minor comment anyway.

As somebody who is using non-Basic auth, can you apply these patches and
show us the output of:

   git ls-remote https://your-server 2>&1 >/dev/null |
   egrep '(Send|Recv) header: (GET|HTTP|Auth)'

(without http.emptyauth turned on, obviously).

> > +            * But only do so when this is _not_ our initial
> > +            * request, as we would not then yet know what
> > +            * methods are available.
> > +            */
> Eliminate double-negative:
> "But only do this when this is our second or subsequent request, 
> as by then we know what methods are available."

Yeah, that is clearer.


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