Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

>>  - If our submodule is bound at path sub/dir in the superproject,
>>    the relative-path thing above would get "dir" and this ls-tree
>>    ends up asking what is at "dir", but the question you really want
>>    to ask is what is at "sub/dir", isn't it?
> IOW, the basic ontline of the idea may be OK, but I think you would
> want to do something along this line:
>     - chdir to .. from the root of your submodule working tree;
>     - in that .. directory, ask what prefix it is (you'd get
>       "sub/dir", or "not a git" if you are not a submodule);
>     - in that .. directory, ask ls-files what sub/dir is;
>     - if it is 160000, you're happy.

Nah, that wouldn't be necessary and would not work.  --prefix would
be "sub" in that case, and you'd need to concatenate the "dir" that
is the basename of the path to the submodule to get "sub/dir".  

Besides, output from "ls-files" by default is relative to cwd, so if
you did ls-files or ls-tree HEAD in "sub/", you'll find where you
came from as "dir", not "sub/dir", so the original code happens to
work even from a subdirectory of a superproject, but the reason why
it works is a bit subtle.  Perhaps it deserves in-code comment to
explain it.

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