On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 08:26:15PM +0100, Lars Schneider wrote:
>> > I think we do build against PRs now. E.g.:
>> >
>> >  https://travis-ci.org/git/git/builds/213896051
>> >
>> > But it looks like we can turn that off.
>> When we add a secret variable, then TravisCI will not build Pull Requests
>> for git/git anymore:
>> "[...] we do not provide these values to untrusted builds,
>> triggered by pull requests from another repository."
>> See: 
>> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Defining-Variables-in-Repository-Settings
> Ah, OK, that makes sense. So we would only have to worry about our _own_
> code accidentally disclosing it. But that should be easy to look for by
> grepping the log (did somebody do that?).
>> However, I don't think that is a big deal because git/git doesn't
>> support Pull Requests anyways. Plus, if a contributor is interested
>> in TravisCI results, then the contributor can setup TravisCI for
>> their own fork easily.
> Yeah, agreed. It's not like we are blocking the merge button with a
> failing status.
>> > Hrm, it does mean that people have no way to test on Windows until the
>> > branch hits pu. Which is not ideal.
>> I agree it's not ideal. But I think it is an improvement to check
>> pu/next/master/maint continuously :-)
> Oh, I agree this is a step forward from the status quo. I just wondered
> if we could do even better.
> As a side note, I've started having travis run on all of the topic
> branches in peff/git, with the idea to get early feedback on OS X
> problems (and now hopefully Windows ones). My two issues so far are:
>   - I have a lot of work-in-progress branches. I put "-wip" at the end
>     of the branch name for my own scripts. It looks like I can put "[ci
>     skip]" in the commit subject to convince Travis to skip them, but
>     that's a little annoying. Is there any way to skip based on just the
>     branch name? I couldn't find one.

I think you can "safelist" (whitelist) branches to build with regexes:

>   - The OS X builds seem to regularly time out. That at least marks a
>     "!" in the build status screen instead of an "X", but it's a lot of
>     noise (and it misses the point for me, which is testing on OS X; I
>     already build regularly on Linux).

I suspect this happens because they don't have a lot of macOS runners
- I've seen those jobs wait for hours (even on private jobs) before a
runner gets freed up.

> -Peff

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