On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 12:47:13PM +0200, Robert Eisele wrote:
> Hi,
> after having committed folders with lower case naming, I decided to rename
> them to upper-case names. Expecting git to detect them as renamings, it
> started a new parallel hierarchy with new files, which I had to add/commit.
> It was a kinda strange behavior, which I fixed by rename the folder to
> something completely different, commit and rename the folder again to the
> desired value.
> Is this an actual desired behavior or is it a bug?
> Robert

Note that git does not store that files are renamed. So a remove + add
is the same as a rename in git. Only git status shows it when you for
example use git mv directly, but this information is lost on commit.
Instead of storing it get relies on detecting what (parts of ) files got
renamed, copied etc.

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