On May 8, 2017 12:25 PM, Stefan Beller wrote:
>On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Randall S. Becker <rsbec...@nexbridge.com> 
>> On May 6, 2017 4:38 AM Ciro Santilli wrote:
>>> This is a must if you are working with submodules, otherwise every 
>>> git checkout requires a git submodule update, and you forget it, and 
>>> things break, and you understand, and you go to stack overflow 
>>> questions 
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22328053/why-doesnt-git-checkout-a
>>> utomatically-do-git-submodule-update-recursive
>>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4611512/is-there-a-way-to-make-git
>>> -pull-automatically-update-submodules
>>> and you give up and create aliases :-)

> The upcoming release (2.13) will have "git checkout --recurse-submodules", 
> which will checkout the submodules
> at the commit as recorded in the superproject.
> I plan to add an option "submodule.recurse" (name is subject to 
> bikeshedding), which would make the --recurse-submodules
> flag given by default for all commands that support the flag. (Currently 
> cooking we have reset --recurse-submodules, already
> existing there is push/pull).

Brilliant! 😊

>> I rather like the concept of supporting --recurse-submodules. The complexity 
>> is that the branches in all submodules all have to have compatible 
>> >>semantics when doing the checkout, which is by no means guaranteed. In the 
>> scenario where you are including a submodule from a third-party (very 
>> >>common - see gnulib), the branches likely won't be there, so you have a 
>> high probability of having the command fail or produce the same results as 
>> >>currently exists if you allow the checkout even with problems (another 
>> option?). If you have control of everything, then this makes sense.

>I am trying to give the use case of having control over everything (or rather 
>mixed) more thought as well, e.g. "checkout --recurse-submodules -b ><name>" 
>may want to create the branches in a subset of submodules as well.

I have to admit that I just assumed it would have to work that way this would 
not be particularly useful. However, in thinking about it, we might want to 
limit the depth of how far -b <name> takes effect. If the super module brings 
in submodules entirely within control of the development group, having -b 
<name> apply down to leaf submodules makes sense (in some policies). However, 
if some submodules span out to, say, gnulib, that might not make particular 
sense. Some downward limit might be appropriate. Perhaps, in the submodule ref, 
you might want to qualify it as <commit>:<ref> (but the impact of that is 
probably and admittedly pretty horrid). I hesitate to suggest a numeric limit, 
as that assumes that submodules are organized in a balanced tree - which is 
axiomatically unreasonable. Maybe something in .git/config, like

[branch "topic*"]

But I suspect that would make things even more confusing.


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