On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 02:35:49AM -0400, Jeff King wrote:

> > > After doing a subtree merge, using 'git log' and 'git log --follow' on
> > > files in the subtree show only the merge commit in which they were
> > > added.
> > >
> > > After reading around I understand that the issue is that git log
> > > --follow doesn't track renames that occur during a merge.
> > 
> > Try git log --follow -M. (You may also want to combine this with -l and/or 
> > -C).
> You shouldn't need to specify "-M" with --follow, as the diff done by
> try_to_follow_renames() turns on rename (and copy) detection explicitly.
> I suspect the problem is that git-log does not do merge diffs at all by
> default, and you'd need "-c" or "--cc" (or maybe even "-m") to turn them
> on.
> I wouldn't be surprised if there are other problems where that code path
> isn't quite ready to handle merge commits, though.

Hmm. It does seem to work out of the box in a simple example:

  git init repo
  cd repo
  seq 100 >one
  git add one
  git commit -m base
  echo foo >unrelated
  git add unrelated
  git commit -m unrelated
  git checkout -b side HEAD^
  git mv one two
  git commit -m rename
  git checkout master
  git merge --no-edit side
  git log --oneline --raw --follow two

And it does not seem to need any special diff options like "-c" to
trigger it.

It may be that more complex cases fool it (perhaps history
simplification has an effect, or perhaps it's the old issue that
--follow has a single global idea of the "current" filename, even though
it may be traversing down multiple lines of history).

Jonny, is it possible for you to share the repo that shows the problem?

If not, it might be possible to demonstrate the problem with
"fast-export --anonymize", though I think that won't work if the rename
is accompanied by a change in the same commit (because it anonymizes
away the relationship between two almost-identical files).


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