> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Peart [mailto:peart...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2017 12:58 PM
> To: Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com>; David Turner
> <david.tur...@twosigma.com>
> Cc: 'Christian Couder' <christian.cou...@gmail.com>; Johannes Schindelin
> <johannes.schinde...@gmx.de>; git <git@vger.kernel.org>; Nguyễn Thái Ngọc
> Duy <pclo...@gmail.com>; Ben Peart <benpe...@microsoft.com>
> Subject: Re: [PATCH 0/1] Preserve the untracked cache across checkout, reset 
> --
> hard, etc
> On 5/9/2017 8:51 AM, Ben Peart wrote:
> >
> > On 5/9/2017 1:02 AM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> >> David Turner <david.tur...@twosigma.com> writes:
> >>
> >>> Can you actually keep the email address as my Twopensource one?  I
> >>> want to make sure that Twitter, my employer at the time, gets credit
> >>> for this work (just as I want to make sure that my current employer,
> >>> Two Sigma, gets credit for my current work).
> >>>
> >>> Please feel free to add Signed-off-by: David Turner
> >>> <dtur...@twosigma.com> in case that makes tracking easier.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks.
> >>>
> >>> WRT the actual patch, I want to note that past me did not do a great
> >>> job here.  The tests do not correctly check that the post-checkout
> >>> untracked cache is still valid after a checkout.
> >>> For example, let's say that previously, the directory foo was
> >>> entirely untracked (but it contained a file bar), but after the
> >>> checkout, there is a file foo/baz.  Does the untracked cache need to
> >>> get updated?
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately, the untracked cache is very unlikely to make it to
> >>> the top of my priority list any time soon, so I won't be able to
> >>> correct this test (and, if necessary, correct the code).  But I
> >>> would strongly suggest that the test be improved before this code is
> >>> merged.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for CCing me.
> >> I will try to find time to tweak what was sent to the list here to
> >> reflect your affiliations better, but marked with DONTMERGE waiting
> >> for the necessary updates you mentioned above, so that this change is
> >> not forgotten.  It may turn out to be that copying from src to dst
> >> like the patch does is all that is needed, or the cache may need
> >> further invalidation when the copying happens, and I haven't got a
> >> good feeling that anybody who are familiar with the codepath vetted
> >> the correctness from seeing the discussion from sidelines (yet).
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >
> > I've been looking into similar issues with the cache associated with
> > using a file system monitor (aka Watchman)
> > (https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/compare/master...benpeart:fsmo
> > nitor) to speed updating the index to reflect changes in the working
> > directory.
> >
> > I can take a look and see if this patch results in valid results and
> > reply to the thread or resubmit as needed.
> >
> > Ben
> TLDR: the patch looks good from my perspective but I'd like the experts to 
> weigh
> in as well.

Thanks for looking into this.  I'm glad to learn that I got it right the first 
although I still wish I had been more assiduous about testing back then. 

> After digging into the untracked cache code and thinking about whether it is
> reasonable to copy the cache from the old index to the new index in
> unpack_trees() I believe the answer is "yes."  I'm not the expert in this 
> code so I'll
> outline my reasoning here and hopefully the real experts can review it and 
> see if
> I've missed something.
> The interesting part of the untracked cache for this discussion is the list of
> untracked_cache_dir structures.  Because each directory cache entry contains
> stat_data (esp ctime and mtime) for that directory - the existing logic will 
> detect
> if that directory has had any changes made in it since the cache entry was 
> saved.
> It doesn't really care when, why, or how the change was made, just if one has
> happened.
> I then tried to think of ways that this logic could be broken (like David's 
> example
> above) but was unsuccessful in coming up with any.  This makes sense because
> the untracked cache obviously has to correctly detect _any_ change so really
> doesn't care whether it's cached state was initially saved before or after a 
> call to
> unpack_trees().

It looks like unpack_trees calls (somewhere -- I didn't investigate the full 
call chain) 
untracked_cache_invalidate_entry.  It looks like my patch adds the move *after* 
any invalidation, though, so I think this is OK.

> Even scenarios of creating files in sub-directories of sub-directories works
> because eventually, either is a directory or file is created in a cached 
> directory
> entry which will change the mtime of that directory and invalidate that part 
> of
> the cache.
> Ultimately, it is this behavior of saving the mtime of each cached directory 
> that
> makes this all work as each entry can be validated/invalidated separately from
> all the rest and independently from the index from which they came.
> Once I did the code examination and thinking exercise, I wanted to test it out
> and see if the theory held up.  I started out with some manual testing (esp 
> of the
> scenario David mentioned) and then wrote a couple of additional tests all of
> which passed.
> I then ran all existing git tests with the patch applied and they all passed. 
>  This
> only really tells us that it didn't break anything because untracked cache is
> turned off by default but it does show us that it still passes the untracked 
> cache
> specific test cases (as they obviously turn it on).
> I then modified the test_create_repo() function in test-lib-functions.sh to 
> turn
> on the untracked cache feature after creating the test repo and ran all the 
> tests
> again twice - the first time without the patch and again with the patch).  
> This run
> is more interesting because it is testing that having the untracked cache 
> turned
> (with and without the
> patch) on doesn't break anything.
> There were two test scripts that had failures:
> t7063-status-untracked-cache.sh failed the test "not ok 1 - 
> core.untrackedCache
> is unset"  This is actually a positive result because it is showing that I 
> successfully
> turned on the untracked cache feature.
> t1700-split-index.sh failed several tests in both runs (with and without
> patch) and upon examining the tests and their failures they are to be expected
> and do not indicate any bug.  Specifically, the failures were caused because 
> the
> tests check the sha of the index against a hard coded value in the test 
> script.
> Because the untracked cache is turned on, the sha of the index does not match
> that hard coded value.  I edited several of the tests to update the sha they 
> are
> checking against to match the sha actually generated and the tests pass.
> In the end, both my code examination and all the testing I was able to do give
> me some confidence that the patch will produce valid results.
> However, I'm not the expert in this area so I'd like the experts to weigh in 
> on any
> potential issues this patch may cause that I've missed.

This testing seems sufficient to me, assuming that the new automated tests make 
into the patch.  Thanks for finishing this up -- it had slipped my mind 

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