Laszlo Ersek <> writes:

> The problem is that I can't really automate the subject munging. The
> concrete subjects in this case were:
>> OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Implement SEV internal function for SEC phase
>> OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Implement SEV internal functions for PEI phase
>> OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Implement SEV internal function for Dxe phase
> ...
> So, even in kernel land, if subjects up to 75 columns are permitted, but
> FORMAT_PATCH_NAME_MAX is 64, conflicts are possible, at least in theory,
> aren't they? With the numbers stripped, of course.

Yup, configurable lengthening or unconditional lengthening to 75 or
so do not sound _too_ bad.

If I sounded like I was opposed to lengthening, that wasn't what I
meant.  It was more like "if you can meaningfully abbreviate, you
may help not just format-patch filenames but other use cases, and
you might even be able to get away without lengthening"; if there
is no meaningful way to abbreviate, raising the max length may be
the only workable solution.

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