From: "Konstantin Khomoutov" <>
On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 01:13:05AM -0700, christienne shultz wrote:

I have installed the Git software and upon trying to update a
repository by the "open recent repository" link and am unable to
access the menu-or anything-from there.  Instead a window pops up with
the following error message:

"\usage C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64/libexec/git-core\git-GUI[

Can you show the full error message / dialog window?

With a little bit of staring you will see the line numbers and a few clues about the stack history for the error (i.e. line number and variable)

Can you please tell me what this error message means and how to fix
the issue?  Thank you!

A shot in the dark until someone with access to Windows chimes in (it
appears that the "open recent repository" feature of `git gui` is specific
to Git for Windows): have you verified that repository actually exists
on your filesystem?

Feature is common but the implementations look slightly different
$opts insert end [mc "Open Existing Repository"] link_open
-text [mc "Open Recent Repository:"]

I'm not sure how the differences are created between the two source codes.

The nominal upstream by Pat Thoyts has the same as the git.git version


Another interesting question is whether the pathname of that repository
includes space characters which could in principle confuse `git gui`.

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