On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 02:21:19AM +0200, SZEDER Gábor wrote:

>   Such an all-forks-in-one repo allows me to run e.g. 'git log --all
>   -p master.. relevant.c' and then search its output for changes in
>   interesting functions (thankfully function names are included in
>   hunk headers; alas line log doesn't work with --all).  Occasionally
>   this unearths some treasures: other people's commits and branches
>   scratching the same itch that I was about to scratch, or at least
>   solving part of my problem and I can build on top of them.)

OK, that's indeed an interesting use case.

> > Now instead we
> > pass the refspecs directly to fetch whenever move objects between the
> > storage repos. They were the same for every remote anyway (and I'd guess
> > that is true, too, of your 10k remotes).
> I do have different fetch refspecs for every remote, i.e. the repo
> 'github.com/user/repo' has '+refs/heads/*:refs/forks/user/repo/*'.

Right, ours have different refspecs, too. But they can be generated
programatically. So we just do:

  git fetch ../$id +refs/*:refs/forks/$id/*

without bothering to have a configured remote.


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