Jeff King <> writes:

> Yeah, I don't think interpret-trailers is currently a useful tool for
> looking at an extra config key like that. I'd expect it would need to be
> extended, or a new tool added, or perhaps existing tools would need to
> learn more about how trailers work (e.g., it would be nice if git-log
> could do matching or even print them via %(trailer:reported-by)
> placeholders or something). I think there's a lot of potential work in
> that area.
> Of course git-contacts (or send-email) _can_ just look look at all of
> the trailer.*.autocc config and try to match those manually. But the
> point of having trailer config, I think, is that we should stop doing
> ad-hoc parsing and have a tool for manipulating and querying trailers.
> If interpret-trailers isn't up to the task yet, I'd rather see work go
> there.
> But that (manual parsing) is basically how the current cc and s-o-b
> trailers implemented inside of git-send-email, so I don't think it would
> be the end of the world as a quick hack that could later be expanded to
> use the trailer infrastructure.


In any case, I think not CC'ing the reporter would be a bug, and an
update to the "contacts" script (in contrib/) to use an improved
convention and interpret-trailers tool can be built on top of the
version Eric posted, so let's take the patch anyway for now.


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