On 2012-10-24 20:33, Peter Oberndorfer wrote:
> Hi,
> i am using a textconv filter to display .doc files as plain text.
> It seems git gui does not use this textconv filter for displaying new 
> unstaged files
> (other files? = _O)
> It seems diff.tcl start_show_diff calls show_other_diff because of this.
> This manually loads the file and does not care about textconv filters.
> Is this manual loading really necessary or can't we just ask git?
> If it is can it be modified to use the textconv filter?
Does anybody have a idea which git command
would output the diff of a untracked file against /dev/null?
So I can show the textconved version of the file in git gui.
(and not reinvent the code to apply textconv already in git)

Greetings Peter

> .gitattributes:
> *.doc    diff=astextplain
> gitconfig:
> [diff "astextplain"]
>     textconv = astextplain

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