On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 11:19:56AM +0900, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> $6,500 is a bargain if we could guide an intern and help set the
> course to become a competent open source person.  It would be nice
> if the intern stays in our community, but I do not even mind if the
> investment follows the intern elsewhere and enrich other open source
> projects.

Agreed on all counts. I am still dotting i's and crossing t's, but I am
pretty sure I have outside funding lined up anyway, though.

> It is a different matter if our mentor pool is rich enough to give
> sufficient support and training to the intern, but if you are
> volunteering to mentor, I wouldn't have any worries.  I do agree
> with you that it would be a good idea to polish the project-ideas
> page.

We actually need to put together a "landing page". The guidelines are


Timing-wise, the application period opens this Thursday. So I'll plan to
work on it over the next day or two, but I'd appreciate any help that
others can provide (even if I end up as the only available mentor).


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