rpj...@crashcourse.ca writes:

>   at the other end, users are certainly welcome to add extra patterns
> to be ignored, based purely on the way they work -- perhaps based on
> their choice of editor, they might want to exclude *.swp files, or
> if working on a Mac, ignore .DS_Store, and so on, using a
> core.excludesFile setting.

This is primarily why .git/info/exclude exists.  A user who does not
use the same set of tools to work on different projects may not be
able to use ~/.gitconfig with core.excludesFile pointing at a single
place that applies to _all_ repositories the user touches.

Also, core.excludesFile came a lot later than in-project and
in-repository exclude list, IIRC.

Don't waste time by seeking a "compelling" reason.  A mere "this is
the most expedite way to gain convenience" back when something was
introduced could be an answer, and it is way too late to complain
about such a choice anyway.

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