Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

> We meticulously pass the `exclude` flag to the `treat_directory()`
> function so that we can indicate that files in it are excluded rather
> than untracked when recursing.
> But we did not yet treat submodules the same way.
> Because of that, `git status --ignored --untracked` with a submodule
> `submodule` in a gitignored `tracked/` would show the submodule in the
> "Untracked files" section, e.g.
>       On branch master
>       Untracked files:
>         (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>               tracked/submodule/
>       Ignored files:
>         (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>               tracked/submodule/initial.t
> Instead, we would want it to show the submodule in the "Ignored files"
> section:

Makes sense.  Also listing the paths in the embedded working tree
like initial.t as if it were part of our project is utterly wrong,
especially because we are not doing any --recurse-submodules thing.

Both the change and the updated description looks good.  Thanks.

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