From: "Sergey Organov" <>
Is there anything like this:

$ git merge b
[... lot of conflicts ...]
$ git re-merge -X ours -- x/   # Leaves 0 conflicts in x/
$ git re-merge -X theirs -- y/ # Leaves 0 conflicts in y/
[... resolve the rest of conflicts manually ...]
$ git commit

[*] I do mean '-X' above, not '-s'.

By this I presume you mean that you have paths x and y that ate the ones with conflicts within them following the `git merge b`.

You then want a variant of the `git merge` command that will apply the `-X ours` policy *specifically to path x* so that its particular set of conflicts is fully resolved in favour of 'ours'.

You then want to repeat those path specific resolutions, on a path by path basis, to either `-X ours` or `-X theirs` until they are done.

You are also expecting that one or two conflicts will require to be fully manually resolved, until finally you can commit the result.

Would that be right?

Also, how do you intend to identify the 'x' and the 'y' paths, so that you can chose the ours/theirs/manual selection? (e.g. do you pre-know a regex/blob expansion)

The answer for individual paths is probably in the mergetool of your choice.

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