On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 10:22:06AM +0800, Wei Shuyu wrote:

> On 2017-12-20 04:59, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> > Thanks for writing this.  Can you give an example of how I'd use it
> > (ideally in the form of a test in t/ so we avoid this functionality
> > regressing, but if that's not straightforward then an example for the
> > commit message is fine as well)?
> Hi Jonathan,
> Its usage is the same as other protocols. Just set http.proxy or
> http_proxy/https_proxy
> environment to https://url.
> To use apache server as a proxy, just add `ProxyRequests On` to an https
> site.

Unfortunately I don't think we have any proxy tests at all in our test
suite right now. The sticking point is that we need an actual proxy to
test against. :)

If it really is as simple as "ProxyRequests On", then we might be able
to convince the existing apache process we run to proxy requests to
itself (perhaps on a secondary port?).


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