
On Mon, 8 Jan 2018, Colin Walters wrote:

> Hi, so quite a while ago I wrote this:
> https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag

For the benefit of readers who prefer to stay in their mail readers:


        git-evtag can be used as a replacement for git-tag -s. It will
        generate a strong checksum (called Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512) over the
        commit, tree, and blobs it references (and recursively over
        submodules). A primary rationale for this is that the underlying SHA1
        algorithm of git is under increasing threat. Further, a goal here
        is to create a checksum that covers the entire source of a single
        revision as a replacement for tarballs + checksums.

> Since I last posted about this on the list here, of course
> shattered.io happened.  It also looks
> like there was a node.js implementation written.
> Any interest in having this in core git?  

I have no opinion, I was just curious what this otherwise undescribed
thing was about.


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