On Wednesday 17 January 2018 01:32 AM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> I had a few "Huh?"
> moments while reading the resulting text, but nothing show-stopping.

It always happens when there are people around who are trying to be over
careful :)

Anyways, it's only now that I remember that I've missed a change that I
thought of doing. The change is about clarifying what a "de-initialized"
submodule means and what an "inactive" submodule means and how they work
together (IIUC, a submodule has not active flag when its deinitialized).
I foresee people confusing 'init' and 'active'. So, I thought the
documentation should be helpful enough in that aspect.
Documenation/gitsubmodules doesn't seem to be talking much about 'init'.
(It talks about 'active' a lot after these patches :)

Now I think it's better to do that as separate change and move this
forward as I don't want to make this clumsy anymore. Please let me know,
if I'm over thinking things again. :)


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