Eric Sunshine <> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 2:24 PM, Junio C Hamano <> wrote:
>> Eric Sunshine <> writes:
>>> Now that we know (due to Duy's excellent detective work[1]) that the
>>> trigger is files with names differing only in case on case-insensitive
>>> filesystems, the commit message can be updated appropriately.
>> Thanks.  Let me apply the following and do a 2.16.1, hopefully by
>> the end of day or mid tomorrow at the latest.  Test to protect the
>> fix can come as a separate follow-up patch.
>> -- >8 --
>> Subject: [PATCH] repository: pre-initialize hash algo pointer
>> [...]
>> A "git clone" of a project that has two paths that differ only in
>> case suffers from this if it is run on a case insensitive platform.
>> When the command attempts to check out one of these two paths after
>> checking out the other one, the checkout codepath needs to see if
>> the version that is already on the filesystem (which should not
>> happen if the FS were case sensitive), and it needs to exercise the
>> hashing code.
> Thanks, the amended commit message makes the reason for the patch more
> concrete. There does seem to be a bit of a grammatical issue, however,
> which makes it difficult to parse. Namely, "already on the filesystem
> (...)" probably was meant to say "already on the filesystem (...) is
> {something}".

Indeed it is incomplete sentence.  The codepath wants to check if
the one on the filesystem is the same as the one that is being
checked out and exercises the hashing code at that point.


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