Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> "Randall S. Becker" <rsbec...@nexbridge.com> writes:
>>> > +#ifdef __TANDEM
>>> > +#if !defined(_THREAD_SUPPORT_FUNCTIONS) &&
>>> !defined(_PUT_MODEL_)
>>> > +/* #include <floss.h(floss_read,floss_write,floss_fsync,floss_fork)>
>>> > +*/
>>> > +/* #include <floss.h(floss_fork)> */
>>> > +#endif
>>> The above adds a conditional no-op?  That's confusing...
>> We are trying to make PUT work with git on NonStop. I can't tell you how
>> much of a pain it is. This is a placeholder for others (outside our group)
>> to know where to muck. I can remove it if you don't want it there.
> It is OK as long as it was done on purpose.  I was just making sure
> that this was an unfinished WIP sent by mistake before proofreading.

Obviously, I was trying to make sure it was *NOT* an incomplete
state you did not intend to send ;-)

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