On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 11:01:01PM +0000, Ramsay Jones wrote:

> >> The version of libcurl installed was 0x070f04. So, while it was fresh in my
> >> mind, I applied and tested this patch.
> > 
> > Makes sense. This #if would go away under my "do not support antique
> > curl versions" proposal. I haven't really pushed that forward since Tom
> > Christensen's patches to actually make the thing build (and presumably
> > since he is building on antique versions he can't turn on -Werror
> > anyway, since IIRC it tends to have some false positives).
> Yes, I suspected this would be removed by your proposed update (hence
> the cc:), but I didn't know what the ETA on your patches was. Is this
> worth doing, or are you about to re-visit that series?

I wasn't about to revisit it. I wasn't sure if we actually wanted to
proceed or not, since Git _does_ actually build now with the old
versions (and there was some minor grumbling about dropping

> > I'm not sure whether our ordering of these variables actually means
> > much, but arguably it makes sense to keep the proxy-related variables
> > near each other, even if one of them has to be surrounded by an #if.
> > 
> > I guess you were going for ordering the #if's in increasing version
> > order. I'm not sure the existing code follows that pattern very well.
> Yes, that was the idea, but I was already in two minds about that!
> In the end I went with this, because not all of the proxy variables
> are together anyway. ;-) (see, for example, 'proxy_auth' and 
> 'curl_proxyuserpwd' around line #113).
> So, I don't mind placing the #ifdef around the current definition
> (rather than moving it up), if you would prefer that. (It will have
> to be tomorrow, since I have put that laptop away now!).

I'm OK with it either way, then. Thanks.


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