SZEDER Gábor <> writes:

> First, neither 'git ls-files' nor 'git diff-index' produce quite the
> same order as the 'sort' utility does, e.g.:
>   $ touch foo.c foo-zzz.c
>   $ git add foo*
>   $ git diff-index --name-only HEAD
>   foo-zzz.c
>   foo.c
>   $ git diff-index --name-only HEAD |sort
>   foo.c
>   foo-zzz.c

Doesn't this depend on your locale?

    $ printf "foo%s\n" .c -zzz.c /c | LC_ALL=C sort

    $ printf "foo%s\n" .c -zzz.c /c | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort

> Second, the output of 'git ls-files' is kind of "block-sorted": if you
> were to invoke it with the options '--cached --modified --others',
> then it will first list all untracked files in order, then all cached
> files in order, and finally all modified files in order.

This is a lot more important consideration.

> I have a short patch series collecting dust somewhere for a long
> while, which pulls a couple more tricks to make git-aware path
> completion faster, but haven't submitted it yet, because it doesn't
> work quite that well when filenames require quoting.  Though, arguably
> the current version doesn't work quite that well with quoted filenames
> either, so...
> Will try to dig up those patches.


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