Stefan Beller <> writes:

>> This looks nicer here in the script, but doesn't test exactly what users
>> type most of the time, I suppose.
>> So how about this?
> Looks good to me, though I had a nagging feeling at first that the
> regex could be made more concise.
> Why do we need the optional "[^ ]" inside \1 ?
>> +       sed -e "s/^ \([^ ]* repo\) .*/-\1/" <actual >expect &&

At that position there's 40-hex object name.  If we want to go
looser, you could say

        "s/^ \(.* repo\) .*/-\1/"

and if you want to go more strict, you could say

        "s/^ \($_x40 repo\) (heads\/master)$/-\1/"

I think "Here between the leading SP and SP before the pathname
'repo', we expect an object name which should be a run of non SP
bytes" is a reasonable mid-point that is stricter than "anything
goes" and is still concise.

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