On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 05:17:00PM +0200, Duy Nguyen wrote:

> It's not that complex. With the EAGER_DEVELOPER patch removed, we can
> have something like this where eager devs just need to put
>     DEVOPTS = gentle no-suppression
> and you put
>     DEVOPTS = gentle
> (bad naming, I didn't spend time thinking about names)

It seems to me like we're losing the point of DEVELOPER here. I thought
the idea was to have a turn-key flag you could set to get extra linting
on your commits. But now we're tweaking all kinds of individual options.
At some point are we better off just letting you put "-Wno-foo" in your
CFLAGS yourself?

I don't mind the version-based checks because they're automatic, so the
feature remains turn-key. But this kind of DEVOPTS seems like a step in
the wrong direction.


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