Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <ava...@gmail.com> writes:

> As a workaround for that maybe we'll need something like:
>   [remote "gbenchmark"]
>     url = g...@github.com:google/benchmark
>     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/gbenchmark/*
>     fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/remote-tags/gbenchmark/*
>       tagStyle = remote
>     tagopt = --no-tags

Good thinking.  In the longer term we would probably want to
deprecate tagopt that was invented in a very lazy way (it was
originally meant to hold any random string that we can insert on the
shell command that invokes "git fetch", which obviously is not a
good idea in the production code) and replace it with something more
"controlled", and the above looks like a good improvement to Wink's
proposed change.

> Or whatever, i.e. something where only the new version will fetch the
> tags and ignore the tagopt option (which I never liked anyway). It's a
> hack, but at least you don't end up with crap it your ref namespace by
> flip-flopping between versions.

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