On 2 May 2018 at 06:50, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Martin Ågren <martin.ag...@gmail.com> writes:
>> The diagram renders fine in AsciiDoc before and after this patch.
>> Asciidoctor, on the other hand, ignores the tabs entirely, which results
>> in different indentation for different lines. The graph illustration
>> earlier in the document already uses spaces instead of a tab.
> Ouch.  We might want to teach Documentation/.gitattributes that
> indent-with-tab is unwelcome in that directory, after making this
> fix (and possibly similar ones to other files).

I actually grepped around a little for a leading tab, to see if I could
immediately spot any similar issues. But there are tons of tabs here
(about 13000). Most of them work out just fine, e.g., in the OPTIONS,
where we tab-indent the descriptions.

So while we could try to move away from leading tabs in Documentation/,
it would be a huge undertaking. Any kind of "do it while we're nearby"
approach would take a long time to complete. And a one-off conversion
would probably be a horrible idea. ;-)

I just noticed another difference in how the tabs are handled. In
git-add.txt, which I just picked at random, the three continuation lines
in the synopsis indent differently in AsciiDoc (which indents them more
than in the .txt) and Asciidoctor (which indents them less than in the
.txt). To me, this is more of a "if I didn't sit down and compare the
two outputs, I would never think about these indentations -- they're
both fine".

So it might be that the only places where leading tabs really matter is
this kind of diagrams. Maybe we have a handful such bugs lingering among
the 13000 tab-indented lines...


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