Jardel Weyrich <jweyr...@gmail.com> writes:

> Step 1:
> jweyrich@pharao:test_clone1 [* master]$ git remote -v
> origin /Volumes/sandbox/test (fetch)
> origin /Volumes/sandbox/test (push)
> jweyrich@pharao:test_clone1 [* master]$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.origin'
> remote.origin.url=/Volumes/sandbox/test
> remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> Step 3:
> jweyrich@pharao:test_clone1 [* master]$ git remote set-url --add
> --push origin /Volumes/sandbox/test_clone2
> origin /Volumes/sandbox/test (fetch)
> origin /Volumes/sandbox/test_clone2/ (push)
> jweyrich@pharao:test_clone1 [* master]$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.origin'
> remote.origin.url=/Volumes/sandbox/test
> remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> remote.origin.pushurl=/Volumes/sandbox/test_clone2/

So "remote -v" is not lying (we only see one pushurl after Step 3
above) and "set-url" is not working correctly on your box in a way
that I cannot reproduce X-<.

> ...
> Is `remote.<remote_name>.pushurl` required for the primary URL as
> well?

What do you mean by "primary URL"?
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