On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:54:59AM +0200, Henning Schild wrote:

> > In the general case you need:
> > 
> >   found = *next ? next + 1 : next;
> > 
> > or similar. In this case, you can actually do:
> > 
> >   found = next;
> > 
> > because we know that it's OK to search over the literal space again.
> > But that's pretty subtle, so we're probably better off just doing the
> > conditional above.
> > 
> > (And yes, looking at the existing code, I think it's even worse, as
> > there does not seem to be a guarantee that we even have 16 characters
> > in the string).
> The existing code works only on expected output and the same is true
> for the version after this patch. Making the parser robust against
> random input would imho be a sort of cleanup patch on top of my
> series. .. or before, in which case i would become responsible for
> making sure that still works after my modification.
> This argument is twofold. I do not really want to fix that as well and
> it might be a good idea to separate concerns anyways.

I think it's worth addressing in the near term, if only because this
kind of off-by-one is quite subtle, and I don't want to forget to deal
with it. Whether that happens as part of this patch, or as a cleanup
before or after, I'm not picky. :)


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