On 7/6/2018 1:27 AM, Eric Sunshine wrote:
On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 8:54 PM Derrick Stolee <sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
The final pair of chunks for the multi-pack-index file stores the object
offsets. We default to using 32-bit offsets as in the pack-index version
1 format, but if there exists an offset larger than 32-bits, we use a
trick similar to the pack-index version 2 format by storing all offsets
at least 2^31 in a 64-bit table; we use the 32-bit table to point into
that 64-bit table as necessary.

We only store these 64-bit offsets if necessary, so create a test that
manipulates a version 2 pack-index to fake a large offset. This allows
us to test that the large offset table is created, but the data does not
match the actual packfile offsets. The multi-pack-index offset does match
the (corrupted) pack-index offset, so a future feature will compare these
offsets during a 'verify' step.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <dsto...@microsoft.com>
diff --git a/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh b/t/t5319-multi-pack-index.sh
@@ -6,25 +6,28 @@ test_description='multi-pack-indexes'
+# usage: corrupt_data <file> <pos> [<data>]
+corrupt_data() {
Style: corrupt_data () {

+       file=$1
+       pos=$2
+       data="${3:-\0}"
+       printf "$data" | dd of="$file" bs=1 seek="$pos" conv=notrunc
+# Force 64-bit offsets by manipulating the idx file.
+# This makes the IDX file _incorrect_ so be careful to clean up after!
+test_expect_success 'force some 64-bit offsets with pack-objects' '
+       mkdir objects64 &&
+       mkdir objects64/pack &&
+       pack64=$(git pack-objects --index-version=2,0x40 objects64/pack/test-64 
<obj-list) &&
+       idx64=objects64/pack/test-64-$pack64.idx &&
+       chmod u+w $idx64 &&
I guess you don't have to worry about the POSIXPERM prerequisite here
because the file is already writable on Windows, right?

Correct. And I want this test to still run on Windows.



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