On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 03:24:54PM +0300, Basin Ilya wrote:
> Hi.
> I have two github accounts, one is for my organization and I want git to 
> automatically choose the correct ssh `IdentityFile` based on the clone URL:
>     g...@github.com:other/publicrepo.git
>        ~/.ssh/id_rsa
>     g...@github.com:theorganization/privaterepo.git
>        ~/.ssh/id_rsa.theorganization
> Unfortunately, both URLs have same host name, therefore I can't configure 
> this in the ssh client config. I could create a host alias there, but 
> sometimes somebody else gives me the github URL and I want it to work out of 
> the box.
> I thought I could add a per-URL `core` section similar to `user` and `http`, 
> but this section is ignored by git (2.18):
>     [core "g...@github.com:theorganization"]
>         sshCommand = /bin/false
>         #sshCommand = ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.theorganization
> I thought of writing a wrapper script to deduce the key from the arguments:
>     g...@github.com git-upload-pack '/theorganization/privaterepo.git'
> Is this the only option?

This is what I do (I don't have two accounts on github, but
elsewhere; same idea though)

    # this goes in ~/.ssh/config

    host gh1
        user                git
        hostname            github.com
        identityfile        ~/.ssh/id_rsa_1

    host gh2
        user                git
        hostname            github.com
        identityfile        ~/.ssh/id_rsa_2

Now use "gh1:username/reponame" and "gh2:username/reponame" as
URLs.  It all just works.

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