Jonathan Tan <> writes:

>> Here are the topics that have been cooking.  Commits prefixed with
>> '-' are only in 'pu' (proposed updates) while commits prefixed with
>> '+' are in 'next'.  The ones marked with '.' do not appear in any of
>> the integration branches, but I am still holding onto them.
> What do you think about my fixes to protocol v2 tag following [1]? There
> was some discussion about correctness vs the drop in performance, but it
> seems to me that there is some consensus that the drop in performance is
> OK.
> [1] 

Thanks for reminding.  I think I was waiting for Brandon or somebody
else to say something after [2] as the final confirmation before
queuing it, and then the thread was forgotten ;-)

Will pick it up; it seems to have some interaction with Brandon's
6d1700d5 ("fetch: refactor to make function args narrower",
2018-06-27), and I think the correct resolution is to move your
removal of "&& !rs->nr" to do_fetch() function where that commit
moved to.



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