Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Jeff King <p...@peff.net> writes:
>> Are you sure that it's not well-defined? We open the path with O_APPEND,
>> which means every write() will be atomically positioned at the end of
>> file. So we would never lose or overwrite data.
>> We do our own buffering in a strbuf, writing the result out in a single
>> write() call (modulo the OS returning a short write, but that should not
>> generally happen when writing short strings to a file). So we should get
>> individual trace lines as atomic units.
>> The order of lines from the two processes is undefined, of course.
> Correct.  But I am more worried about the "mixed/overwriting"
> breakage, if there is one; it means we may need to be prepared for
> systems that lack O_APPEND that works correctly.  I initially just
> assumed that it was what Dscho was seeing, but after re-reading his
> message, I am not sure anymore.
> I think the "do not trace the other side" approach you suggest for
> these tests that only care about one side is more appropriate
> solution for this particular case.  We then do not have to worry
> about overwriting or output from both sides mixed randomly.

A concluding sentence I forgot to add, after saying "this is simpler
and better to fix test breakage", was

        But if we really are seeing O_APPEND breakage, a mandatory
        locking mechanism like this one might be necessary to work
        around it (I seriously hope we do not have to, though).

Sorry for an additional noise.

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