Eric Wong <> writes:

>> Some popular E-Mail clients completely ignore the "Date" header, which
>> format-patch is careful to set such that the patches will be displayed
>> in order, and instead sort by the time the E-mail was received.

It is send-email that carefully shows monotonically increasing
timestamps so that the sender's datestamp can be used for sorting by
the recipient, not format-patch, which records author-date,
primarily meant for local replaying, in the generated messages but
discarded by send-email.

> Disconnecting during the delay might be more sympathetic to
> existing mail servers (which aren't C10K-optimized).  If the
> client sleeps, the server may disconnect the client anyways
> to save resources.
> But maybe --send-delay can be a shortcut for
> --relogin-delay and --batch-size=1

Both good points to point at a simpler and better solution, I guess.

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