Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> writes:

> The alternative is -A or -M which may be easier associated with
> --amend.

I would be confused to mistake that "git commit -A $args" would do
something similar to "git add -A && git commit $args".

I do my fair share of amends during the day, and I've never felt the
need for a short-hand, but perhaps that is just me.  I am wondering
if "-E" (stands for 'edit', not 'A or M are out, and the next letter
in amend is E') is understandable and memorable enough---after all,
it is "editing" an existing commit, and the edit is done in a big
and different way than the existing "commit --edit".

But perhaps that reasoning is a bit too cute.  I dunno.

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