On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 12:40 PM Ben Peart <peart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Add a reset.quietDefault config setting that sets the default value of the
> --quiet flag when running the reset command.  This enables users to change
> the default behavior to take advantage of the performance advantages of
> avoiding the scan for unstaged changes after reset.  Defaults to false.

As with the previous patch, my knee-jerk reaction is that this really
feels wrong being tied to --quiet. It's particularly unintuitive.

What I _could_ see, and what would feel more natural is if you add a
new option (say, --optimize) which is more general, incorporating
whatever optimizations become available in the future, not just this
one special-case. A side-effect of --optimize is that it implies
--quiet, and that is something which can and should be documented.

> Signed-off-by: Ben Peart <benpe...@microsoft.com>

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