On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 12:21:44PM -0400, Derrick Stolee wrote:

> > > 2. INDEGREE: using the indegree_queue priority queue (ordered
> > >     by maximizing the generation number), add one to the in-
> > >     degree of each parent for each commit that is walked. Since
> > >     we walk in order of decreasing generation number, we know
> > >     that discovering an in-degree value of 0 means the value for
> > >     that commit was not initialized, so should be initialized to
> > >     two. (Recall that in-degree value "1" is what we use to say a
> > >     commit is ready for output.) As we iterate the parents of a
> > >     commit during this walk, ensure the EXPLORE walk has walked
> > >     beyond their generation numbers.
> > I wondered how this would work for INFINITY. We can't know the order of
> > a bunch of INFINITY nodes at all, so we never know when their in-degree
> > values are "done". But if I understand the EXPLORE walk, we'd basically
> > walk all of INFINITY down to something with a real generation number. Is
> > that right?
> > 
> > But after that, I'm not totally clear on why we need this INDEGREE walk.
> The INDEGREE walk is an important element for Kahn's algorithm. The final
> output order is dictated by peeling commits of "indegree zero" to ensure all
> children are output before their parents. (Note: since we use literal 0 to
> mean "uninitialized", we peel commits when the indegree slab has value 1.)
> This walk replaces the indegree logic from sort_in_topological_order(). That
> method performs one walk that fills the indegree slab, then another walk
> that peels the commits with indegree 0 and inserts them into a list.

I guess my big question here was: if we have generation numbers, do we
need Kahn's algorithm? That is, in a fully populated set of generation
numbers (i.e., no INFINITY), we could always just pick a commit with the
highest generation number to show.

So if we EXPLORE down to a real generation number in phase 1, why do we
need to care about INDEGREE anymore? Or am I wrong that we always have a
real generation number (i.e., not INFINITY) after EXPLORE? (And if so,
why is exploring to a real generation number a bad idea; presumably
it's due to a worst-case that goes deeper than we'd otherwise need to

> [...]

Everything else you said here made perfect sense.


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